Bottom-line up front, if things don’t change quickly in Nigeria, your future is at risk if not completely doomed. I was alarmed to hear the Nigeria minister of finance, few days ago, along with other government officials make a justification as to why the Nigeria masses must start paying taxes including the beggars on the street. That is what the giant of Africa have come to! What a big shame – This is not to say that taxation is something not done, but it is inappropriate presently; but this is another topic! The Nigeria government for years now have always put the kart ahead of the horse on every issue; lazy or inept enough to continue failing to do their jobs while getting paid.
I have listened to Nigeria citizens lament of increasing NEPA bills on masses who hardly get electric power in their homes from NEPA for the bills already paid; and while not getting the product they paid for, crazy government are raising the prices on them. Now the newest lunacy is their plan to tax even the beggars on the street. On a side note, how will they even know who is who to tax as they have completely failed in implementing a system that accounts for every citizen just like in civilized societies.
Further, they forget they have not created jobs and aren’t consistently paying salaries to those who have the handful of jobs in the country – how do you tax people who have no employment and those that you have not paid for the work they put in? If these doesn’t scare you, you are not awake. You are unconscious though not physically dead. Every person of minimum mental ability in Nigeria should see by now that there is no light in the tunnel – Nigeria is not going forward, it is not even stagnant, it is rather retrogressing; why because we have visionless, directionless, thoughtless and wicked people in leadership.
These set of people in leadership have bankrupted Nigeria by stealing collective wealth to settle their pockets without regard to the duty their offices are called for. They borrow to pay themselves and finally, when there is no other way to raise money for themselves, they must now tax you the masses to continue to assuage their bottomless vices. Youths, let me break it to you, if you continue to enable this leaders by fighting against change and antagonizing the Biafra agitators, who are the only people putting on action to bring a change for a more secured future, there will never be peace in that country, those clueless leaders will never make the effort to build a country that will sustain its people’s needs.
Just think about it, for 57 years, these group of people have continued to recycle themselves in government and amassing wealth that they can’t spend for 10 life times at the expense of YOU the masses. It is outrageous and irresponsible for the youths to remain loyal to these evil cabal. I am not advocating violence. I am advocating that you stand up and protest and demand to take your destiny into your own hands alongside the Biafra peaceful protesters. Biafrans are already doing what is necessary to affect change and that is why you must support the cause. And by the way, the Nigeria military should protect the people and be for the people instead of killing the people at the government bidding.
I have been observing what’s going on among Nigeria youths. Majority of them do not understand what is at stake regarding a way forward for there to be progress in that part of the world. These youths are resolute and fight really dirty against each other in defending politicians, religion and tribe, ignorant to the fact that the politicians they defend have never had the best interest of them youths at heart – It has been so bad that I myself have been aggravated and