By Timothy Emmanuel Emeka
A better way of having your say in nigerian politics is to have more of your own in the corridor of power. with a huge followership, ipob can achieve this. though with just a few days to go, mass awareness for candidate of choice can be still done.
Applying this to future senate, rep and governorship elections would give ipob more of a voice and influence in addition to that of its members in everything nigeria.
One other thing though, trying to segregate would be of negative effect provided the biafran dream is to better the lives of the ibo community. if done, ghana-must-go would be child’s play compared to what bad belle people would do in evicting ibos.
Making external sales is what would keep a company or country in positive trade balance and high earnings. if ibos are living peacefully with their host community and contribute to development, achieving more than title of mayor of london is possible
The only thing left would be to hold their elected officials to a high moral and effective standard to ensure ibos have an enabling environment to be a producing people and with time wealth comes their way and with that more mouth. P.S i am afonja
Hi princesaha, could you expantiate and give possible points for a way forward to achieving the biafran dream. thanks
Take a look at slave trade history. external help from people like william wilberforce and many more brought it to an end. no man is an island. sometimes to achieve the bigger picture, deals must be made for the sake of the people, power is required.
True ogalanyachieze, very true. one point though why they can’t outrightly work towards segregation is the treason charge that could come with it. however a violet approach to it would be like playing fiddle to our trigger happy soldiers.
The elected are there to achieve the dictates of their electorate. one thing that can however be really pushed and very possible is the restructuring policy there every region is allowed to progress by itself without wating for orders from abuja.
Taking a cue from china with over a billion mouths to feed that reduced its population growth and furthermore encouraged its citizens to build frontiers in other nations. today usa is afraid of those guys as they control world economy to a high degre
I have friends that are ibo businessmen and what concerns them and their people back home certainly would affect me and we know the mineset of a jealous african who believes it is his/her neighbor ‘doing’ him/her but is not focusing on working hard.
Lagos state pdp understands that the ibo population cannot be waved aside and is trying to ride on that wave to have one ibo person as a candidate in future elections. the thing is to use high numbers to show relevance and power to make changes come.
Emeka Writes from Awka