I reader posted:
Some Girls Can Be So Stupid All In The Name Of Snapchats
I went to shoprite with my guy this afternoon to pick up some snacks to chow.
My guy was busy going around to pick up what we wanted to consume but then I saw this girl looking cute with a filled basket and taking snap shots.
I noticed her moving around with her basket filled up taking selfie with the tongue out, pouting and that big ears. She went to ice cream section, drinks section, assorted biscuits section and so on taking selfie with her supposed basket.
I was still waiting for my guy that went to pick up some things to pay cause the queue was long, as we were about leaving she and her friend were also going out, this time they were leaving without any item.
I was like how will a sane being all in the name of show off leave her home well dressed to go to shoprite and pick items just to take selfie, and at the end they dropped the basket one place and head home feeling fulfilled.
A girl that would go to that level just to deceive people on social media should be sentenced to death …