By: Solomon Iwejuo
1. Its called civil disobedience in other to press home our demand for referendum.
2. To prove to the world that sovereignty and power belongs to the masses and that we have decided to take back our sovereignty.
3. To send a message to Abuja that If there is no Referendum before 2019, there will not be any Election in the entire Biafra land without which a new President of the zoo cannot emerge.
4. No political process in Nigeria can give us Biafra. Because Biafrans will remain a minority in the National Assembly and therefore cannot pass any bill for a referendum. E.g The dead south East development bill and the petroleum industry bill(PIB)
That spent more than 16years in the National Assembly before it was partially passed after they removed all the Benefits of the bill to the oil communities.
4. Even if Biafrans support a candidate, the person will still swear the oath of Allegiance to Nigeria and begins to sabotage our struggle.
5. Our candidates might even be rigged out by Abuja controlled INEC and therefore portray IPOB as weak and toothless bulldogs.
6. We can’t claim to be Biafrans and yet keep sending senators and representatives to the national assembly to represent us. It shows that we are still part of the system.
7. When we vote we give politicians the power to continue looting our common wealth without doing anything for the masses that gave them power. Our roads are bad, No water, no light, no social welfare packages etc.
8. Election Boycott is the ONLY NON VIOLENT WAY we can use to hold the Nigerian Government down to give us Referendum.
If you don’t like Election boycott because you think that it is not wise, pleaae tell us