communities including the northern region. Unfortunately, the north or Arewa does not share these virtues, since you will hardly find the Arewas living or owning substantive landed properties in Igbo lands, either because as mediocres, they are incapable of competing healthily in a level plain field without quota systems and gross nepotism or simply out of sheer hatred for the Igbos. The unalloyed love and support of one-Nigeria by the Igbos, is also evident, given that the Igbos waited for the Arewa to be ready for independence in 1960, because by 1958, when Igbos were ready for independnce, the north lamented they were still not ready to govern themselves and so preferred to remain under colonial rule.
5 – Your Excellency sir, on preserving the younger generation and ensuring that they inherit a just society devoid of anarchy, hate, suspicion, negativity, also mediocrity and nepotism, we share the same sentiments. Hence, this can only be achieved through a peaceful disintegration of the fantastically corrupt colonial, imperialistic edifice – Nigeria, or to gracefully and peacefully allow Biafra pursue her own destiny while the Arewa remains in Nigeria if they so desire.
OUR STAND (Response)
While we debunk the propaganda by the Arewa which gives the impression that Biafra is pushing for violence (which is undoubtedly and widely known to be the position of Arewa on such cases and other national issues [Ref: see link)
(Ref: see link) as a means of achieving-self-determination, we make bold to say that we share Arewa’s sentiments on facilitating the actualization or the restoration of Biafra using the necessary United Nation’s instruments on the right to self-determination of a people.
As a reminder and as made by the coalition in the letter in question, the principles of self-determination is evidently adopted in the following two documents: The United Nations Declaration on Civil and Political Rights and The United Nations Declaration on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Therefore, we enjoin you, your Excellency, the Acting President, to make efforts to facilitate the necessary processes using the beautiful opportunities presented by these UN instruments and declarations in order to allow the Biafran people decide their political fate and future.
PRAYERS (Response)
While we sincerely commend the Arewa for her unusual civil consciousness or for at least recognizing the legitimacy of the Biafran quest and unequivocally advising the Federal Government of Nigeria under you, Your Excellency, the Vice President – Prof. Yemi Osibanjo on the need to heed to Biafrans’ desires and aspirations to allow the Biafran people express their right to self-determination, we also want to remind the Arewa that it will not be necessary to advice you, Your Excellency, the Acting president to review the references with a view to deciding who is wrong or right, since it is natural that people will not pledge allegiance to a country where they are not wanted or where they do not belong.
Even though the Biafrans have far more than anyone else built the various sectors of Nigeria and Nigeria as a whole, Nigeria has repeatedly demonstrated to the Biafrans that they are not welcomed in Nigeria through the perpetual hatred being perpetrated against the Biafran people. Therefore, it is normal that Nigeria will lose the allegiance of the Biafrans, since it has proven times without number to be an Anti-Biafran State through it conscious policies of alienation and subjugation against the Biafrans.
Your Excellency sir, we wish to reiterate our high regards for you and your office and to express deep appreciation for the sincere efforts you are making to see that there is peace and for seeking possible means of building a united Nigeria that is devoid of acrimony.
Your Excellency sir, may we remind you that Nigeria is not and would never be a natural nation, therefore, there was no sincere justification for forcing the various component ethnic nationalities together to form Nigeria in the first place without the consent of the components that made up Nigeria. (Ref: see link).
Additionally, there is never any basis for unity in Nigeria as confirmed by the genocidist – Yakubu Gowon, (see link), before he displayed his insincerity and savagery by murdering Aguiyi Ironsi, reneging on the Aburi Accord and visiting the Biafrans with a war of aggression, extermination and of genocide on the devious advice of the Arewa, the marauding British empire and Obafemi Awolowo. Nigeria as we all know, is a colonial concoction, which was put together selfishly by colonial compulsion and force, pillaging, slaughter, looting and destruction. The following reference though not particularly of Nigeria, would give an insight on exactly what the colonial machination was to Nigeria. (Ref: see link)
Your Excellency sir, given these indisputable facts, Nigeria sought for her independence from the colonial powers, summarily because the colonial machinations were unfavorable to Nigerians or the various individual ethnic nationalities that made up Nigeria. Therefore, Your Excellency, given also that there was nothing uniting Nigeria together because of the large differences in customs and traditions, values, religion and ideologies among the various ethnic nationalities forcefully joined together by the colonial powers, would it not amount to hypocrisy and stupidity to leave Nigeria as one after we sought to and got rid of the colonial hold on us? Would it not be the most honourable and reasonable decision to dismantle Nigeria and let the various ethnic nationalities go their separate ways, seeing that we had successfully gotten rid of the colonial powers and knowing that the formation of Nigeria was borne out of the selfishness of the colonial powers.
Your Excellency sir, Knowing that the Biafran quest is a legitimate one, and given your integrity, prestige and religious inclinations, was there a justification for launching a war of genocide on Biafrans, simply because they considered the Nigerian union, inhuman and degradable and as a result opted to leave the union?
Your Excellency sir, may I remind you of a Bible passage where Jesus Christ told his disciples to shake the dust off their feet at the door of anyone who is unwilling to receive the gospel. Given your religious consciousness, would you visit war on the Biafran people simply because they consider a house unfit for their continual happy habitation, knowing that it’s a natural instinct of man to seek comfort? Your Excellency sir, acknowledging that the Biafrans reserve the right to self-determination and given your religious status and your knowledge of the ordeals experienced by the children of Israelites, would you rather prefer to be the Pharaoh and succumb to sinister pressures to kill the Biafran people simply because they want an identity different from that of their oppressors?
Your Excellency sir, we’re aware that the unscrupulous politicians and cabals have cruel motives and intentions out of their selfish desires and interests and for the fear of losing their sources of immoral loots and unethical acquisition of wealth and hence are ill-advising against the noble Biafran quest for their own selfish benefits. But you must remember that power belongs to the people and that it’s usually unpleasant to assume otherwise.
Your Excellency sir, as mentioned earlier, power belongs to the people and public office holders are only out to represent the interest of the people, as a result, a genuine government should be willing at all times to listen and to address the will of the people otherwise there’s usually an atmosphere of chaos and anarchy. More so, when the people make an honourable demand, the public office holders should most honourably listen to the aspirations of the people, instead of trying to thwart or frustrate and circumvent the people’s demands.
Biafrans are not the enemies of Nigeria, the real enemies of Nigeria are those who consciously and deviously resist sincere efforts to enthrone justice, equity and fairness,
(Ref: see link), those who do not realize that developmental strides in a prospectively progressive independent Biafra or other resultant independent nations will trickle down and eventually be beneficial to closest neighbours and indeed the entire African continent. The real enemies of Nigeria are those who consciously and unconsciously, resist possible developmental efforts through their actions and inactions.
Some people mischievously argue that “referendum” isn’t featured in the constitution and so would go against the dictates of the constitution. However, they forget the saying that, “laws are made for man and not man for the law.” Similarly, according to the Holy Bible, in the book of Mark 2: 27, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.” Additionally, to corroborate our stand here, may I refer you back to recent past, to the circumstances that led to the invocation of “Doctrine of Necessity” by the Nigerian parliament, during or following the demise of President Yaradua. Therefore, all instruments invented by man are geared towards addressing man’s challenges, and man continuously adjusts his various systems to suit each scenario that presents itself as a potential challenge.
We may be able to understand your pressure, but problems are meant to be solved by man as pointed out earlier, therefore we implore you to imbibe the spirit of courage, integrity and boldness, do the needful and make a lasting and significant mark in the sands of time.
Remember, all Biafrans are saying is, “Let us exercise our inalienable rights to self-determination” through the necessary internationally recognized instruments. No more, no less. We were Biafrans and a distinct people before the invasion, conquest and eventual amalgamation of Nigeria. We reserve the right and desire to retain our stolen identity. All we are asking as Biafrans is to be allowed to associate with our “lost but found” identity. All we are asking is to allow us chart a political, social and economic future that is peculiarly desirable by the Biafran people. All we are asking is to be allowed to institute developmental strides in a pace that is acceptable to the Biafran people. Finally, all we are asking is, give us our Blessed BIAFRA.
Long Live Biafra
Long Live Biafrans
Kutanya Obi Ezeuchu
Biafra Times
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