Arewa (North) wanted the insensitive and unintelligible Yakubu Gowon to continue the flame of the killing spree as a willing tool and a perfect stooge, given that it was a conspiracy to continue with the extermination of the Igbos (Easterners). Eventually, this led to the war of genocide led by Nigeria under Gowon against Biafra where over 6 million Biafran people, including women and children, were murdered in cold blood at market squares, hospitals, schools and other public places and with an imposition of total food-blockade as advised by Britain and Awolowo, where several millions more of Biafran children were conscientiously starved to death simply because the Biafran people wanted an identity different from that of their oppressors.
6 – It is in the public domain, that the Arewa visited grave wickedness and atrocities on the Igbos by killing millions of Igbos residing in the north, reneged on the agreement to allow the Eastern Army officers return with their arms to enable them defend themselves against a possible attack by ruthless marauding northern mobs, but instead seized their arms, rendered them armless and killed them all and further killing innocent Igbo civilians including pregnant women and children even on their return back to the eastern region. Hence, Ojukwu declared Biafra when it was obvious that the entire north conspired to exterminate the Igbos and so continued to go on with the killings, even when the Igbos returned to the north – trusting on Ojukwu’s words that normalcy had returned. Additionally, it should be noted here that Ojukwu did not only declare or form Biafra on the 30th of May, 1967, but that Biafra had existed in peace and tranquility many centuries ago, even before the arrival of the colonial masters who formed or amalgamated Nigeria, following the brutal conquest of the component nationalities in Nigeria today.(Ref: see link). Therefore, this is why Biafrans are demanding to be allowed to return to their original nation – Biafra, prior to the vicious colonization by the colonial powers, to enable them like any other progressive nationa, develop at their own pace and not be stifled in an unworkable Nigerian union of savages and lazy blood-sucking vampires who cannot contribute anything meaningfully towards the advancement of an economy.
1 – Biafra has been in the heart of every Igbo man and other component ethnic nationalities in the Biafran nation after the Arewa or northern-dominated military forced Biafrans back into Nigeria by killing and starving over 6 million Biafran people. However, the Arewa-controlled fantastically corrupt Nigerian government (as testified by a former British prime minister – David Cameron), once again frustrated Uwazuruike’s effort to achieve the Biafran dream when they incarcerated him unjustly and finally forced him with enticements and/or threats, to compromise the struggle.
2 – The Arewa through the northern coalition element is obviously hell-bent on tarnishing the image of the peace-loving IPOB group and so concocts all sorts of lies in order to achieve their aim. The northern elements or the Arewa group has always been known for incompetence, violence, wickedness and brutality since the inception of Nigeria as can be testified by every other nationality in Nigeria. On the other hand, the Biafran people have always been known as a peaceful people but because the Arewa-dominated Nigerian political space has continued to maltreat the Biafran people, the Biafran people have resolved to seek self-determination and to leave the corrupt and fraudulent contraption – Nigeria.
The Arewa established a radio station (Arewa24) and many of such mediums, where it propagates hate-speeches against the Biafran people. How can it refer to Radio Biafra as an illegal radio station when it is duly registered in the country where it is domiciled? Radio Biafra signal only reaches the Nigerian airspace just like every other signal from the likes of BBC, CNN and others could reach Nigeria. Does that mean that BBC, CNN and others are all illegal broadcast Stations? This is once again, a proof of the unintelligibility and ineptitude of the so-called northern coalition and Arewa in general. Below are few references and proofs of hate-speeches on record among numerous others, made by the Arewa against the Biafran people.
Example is the bigoted Ahmadu Bello (Ref: see link). It is also on record where a certain unlettered northern element and a former member of House of Reps hatefully and delusionally claims that the oil in Bayelsa – Biafraland, belongs to the north (Gigawa) and threatens that it would spill the blood of the Biafran people to keep the oil in Bayelsa and Delta to themselves, that it would not relinquish hold of the oil in another man’s land. Isn’t this a display of the height of savagery, ignorance, irresponsibility and fatuousness that characterizes the Arewa? (Ref: see link).
Concerning the claims by the Arewa, that Kanu made hate-speeches, it is obvious that Kanu was only demanding his rights and that of his people – freedom and self-determination of the Biafran people. He did not just threaten anyone with violence but was only talking about the possible consequences of trying to deny the Biafran people of their God-given rights of freedom and self-determination. Additionally, would it not be a wise idea to defend oneself against the savagery of the marauding hausa-fulani herdsmen, who destroy Biafran farmlands, slaughter farmers and rape their women and girls?
3 – The Arewa is clearly delusional in their bogus claims and treacherous lies. It would please anyone who is interested, to know that neither IPOB nor MASSOB nor the Biafran people in general, has ever asked anyone to leave Biafraland. The Biafran people are only asking to be left alone and be allowed to exit the fraudulent and oppressive Nigerian union viciously created by the colonial powers for their own selfishness and benefit and that of their marauding northern custodians who are incapable of running an economy alone or independently without the Biafran people. Additionally, the