The Lion Of The East By Femi Fani-Kayode: Nothing & No One Can Stop Nnamdi Kanu
Femi Fani Kayode
Those from outside Igboland that say that they do not want Biafra have missed the point. It is for the people of the east to make that call and to make that decision and not for you.
What you believe is good for the Igbo or what you prefer for them is neither here nor there. Ultimately it is only THEIR choice and THEIR decision, which can only be made and established in a free and fair UN-sponsored and conducted referendum, that matters.
And in that referendum every single Igbo person, whether they be a traditional ruler, a chief, a wealthy business man, a pauper, a prince, a governor, a legislator, an elder-statesman, a student, a trader, a hairdresser, a bus-driver, a houseboy, a lawyer, a dancer, a singer, a landlord, a tenant, a judge, a clerk, a fisherman, a farmer, a taxi-driver, a secretary, a banker, a writer, a mortuary attendant, a love-vendor, a prostitute or a jobless man or woman only has one vote.
It is either “yes” or “no”. No single vote is more important than the other and each vote carries the same weight.
The arrogance of those that beat their chests and believe that they know how that vote or referendum will ultimately go is second only to the short-sighted fools in the British media and political class who never believed that the United Kingdom would vote for BREXIT and opt to leave Europe.
It is also similar to the willful blindness and self-inflicted delusions of the Obama and Clinton-controlled liberal-left of American politics who swore and honestly believed that Donald Trump would and could NEVER win the presidential election of 2016. They forgot the “God factor” in all matters touching and concerning the destiny of nations and men and what a shocker they got!
Those in igboland that say they are the true leaders of the Igbo and that their people do not want to leave Nigeria and establish their own country may get the biggest surprise of their lives when the time comes.
And not one of them can defeat Nnamdi Kanu in a free and fair election ANYWHERE in Igboland today. If they doubt that perhaps they should try putting it to the test.
The great black American freedom fighter Malcom X said “the price of freedom is death”. The 3 million Igbos that died in the civil war paid that price.
The hundreds of thousands of Igbos that were slaughtered in pogroms in the north in the mid-60’s, during the civil war, in the ’70’s, in the 80’s, in the ’90’s, in the 2000’s and indeed right up until today paid that price.
The thousands of young and courageous IPOB men and women who were massacred by security forces in the streets of the east and in the sanctity of their homes over the last two years have paid that price.
The hundreds of Igbos that have been killed by state-protected Fulani militias and herdsmen in their villages and on their farms in the last two years have paid that price.
Then came the threat of genocide and carnage from the Arewa Youth when the Igbo were told that they must leave the north by Oct. 1st 2017 or suffer another whirlwind of slaughter and pogroms.
Those that will be killed in the north after that date and once that deadline has expired will also have paid that price.
Given all this I have one question to ask: if the Lord, in His infinite wisdom and mercy, can raise a deliverer like the great Sir William Wallace to liberate Scotland from the English in 1297 why would He NOT raise a Nnamdi Kanu to deliver the Igbo people after they have been subjected to genocide, mass murder, wickedness and injustice at the brutal hands of the Nigerian state for the last 57 years?
If the Lord can raise an Oliver Cromwell to deliver the people of England from the tyranny of the Crown in 1642 why would