“Disquiet in the inner circle of President Muhammadu Buhari as one of his strong men, SAMAILA ISAH FUNTUA has allegedly betrayed the president.
Alhaji Funtua is said to have serially engaged in several activities that amounts to a complete breach of trust the president had in him.
As someone who has unfettered access to the villa, Alhaji Funtua is alleged to have used this to curry undue favour from everyone available.
He is alleged to have been engaged in this kind of activity since PMB became President, reason why his access to the villa was cut last year
Apart from using his influence to curry favour, Alhaji Funtua is also alleged to be engaging in acts that paints the president bad.
He is alleged to have told Gov. Dickson of Bayelsa that Buhari never wanted him to win governorship election, pitching Dickson against Buhari
Alhaji is also alleged of being in the habit of hobnobbing with the political enemies of the president for his personal gains.
As a member of the inner circle of the president, the rest of the member are said to be unhappy with Alhaji Isah Funtua
There are indications that his influence maybe reduced same way his access to the villa was once cut last year.”
— Abubakar Sadiq