“I was in Chatham House and I remember how I
was attacked by the IPOB boys when I was
delivering my lecture.
They walked up to me and they were shouting and I said calm down and the
young man has never visited Nigeria.
So it is our duty to call our younger ones to order but I want to
assure Nigerians that they should not see that as a
break but agitation given what they perceived that
the South East has been neglected overtime
politically, economically, socially and all that.
“Their roads are impassable, you cannot pass Port
Harcourt road, Enugu road, Aba Road, Bayelsa road
and all the roads.
You can hardly see federal government presence in the South East, all the
things you see are self-made things. Even the
Onitshe bridge has been a theoretical talk,
fabrications which does not represent reality. “So,
he speaks his own and joins it to our issues and it
now looks like a nationwide thing. That is not the
Okorocha who spoke at the State House in Abuja