By A Reader:
Everyday I wake up to see useless threads by yorubaas of people bowing to Nnamdi Kanu.
And I ask myself: Yorubas, what is your gotdam business if we choose to bow down to our leaders or people who hold to a high esteem?
Have we Biafraans ever made caricature of your people lying down and rolling on the floor to greet your elders?
We are aware of your culture, what you do, we respect you for what you do even though we may not like it because that’s who we are.
So why then are you putting your nose in something that is not your business, even mild compared to what you people do?
Can I get a sensible yoruba to condemn this?
Same Nnamdi Kanu has been seen bowing to Igbo Elders…Ekwueme, John Nwodo, Achuzie, Nwabueze, then what is wrong if people bow to him also?
I cannot understand this level of hypocrisy and foolishness.
What is even deplorable is that thread made it to front page…HELLO YORUBA? For Goodness sake., lie down to great your elders, no other tribe in Nigeria or in the world does that. But every tribes or people in the world bow to other people as a sign of respect.