Your points are OK and good. (Read the original article here)
But you failed to address any of the core issues.
Have you asked yourself why Igbos, who actually happen to be the most successful tribe in Nigeria at least economically are so bent on leaving the Nigerian state? Do you ask yourself why a group of people that actually own property across the country wouldn’t mind foregoing all that just to be on their own?
ALSO READ: Biafrexit: The Bitter Truth by Baba Salami
Truthfully, Igbos have been the most patriotic Nigerians. They are the only ones that go across the nation and mix freely with the indigenous host communities and transact their business in the most remote locations. And they did all this despite the batterings they received during the civil war. Look at our national sports teams on all levels and you’ll find a disproportionately high representation of the Igbo. Look at Nollywood, its disproportionately Igbo.
They rose from 20 pounds each after the civil war to literally owning half the banks in Nigeria, half the industries in Nigeria and and anywhere in the region of 80% of import trading in Nigeria.
M point is the have contributed immensely to the Nigerian nation despite the marginalization the have been put through in the last four decades.
Now what do they get in return? Yorubas continually pushing motions that make them feel constricted in Lagos which realistically is a federal capital territory. Hausas going on killing sprees on the whim of simple things like loosing elections or a cartoon by a foreign journalist. Boko Haram bombing atrocities and now the latest; The Fulani militia that has been unleashed on the entirety of the Christian South.
Now genuinely and sincerely, an you address these issues raised? You sef, are you not tired of the mess?
And by the way, I’m not Ibo. I am proudly Edo.