Every tribe has touts amongst them, all the touts from Igbo land are led by Nnamdi Kanu, why is he a tout? just critically listen to that guy, on radio Biafra saying that he will “get Biafra peace or violence like never seen before” I understand if ojukwu said this, cause he was actually a military tactician and hard conventional hardware at his disposal, but a complete civilian who knows nothing about military warfare making such statements proves he lack what it takes to lead educated people, now if you don’t believe me how about him saying that majority of Igbo ladies are harlots. If this does not convince you that him and his followers on nairaland are touts I don’t know what will. Most of his followers on nairaland are youths suffering from chronic joblessness and frustration. They are convinced that getting a new country will solve their problems. But they are too daft to understand that putting rotten eggs in a new bag won’t change the situation of the eggs.
Yorubas are in my opinion the smartest and most accommodating people in Nigeria , ( let me add that the greatest act of bravery in Nigeria was showcased by a Yoruba man) . , but they certainly have their own touts. Besides under bridge at oshodi the next place to find them is on nairaland. Inciting violence, urging igbos to start a war so they can grab their properties. My advice to you is to go get a job. You are getting old, what you wish might not happen in your lifetime.
Northerners? The biggest problem they have is that there are a 80% more touts in the north than any other part of nigeria. If you meet the right northerner you might want to ask God why he did not create you a northerner.
All Nigerians should try and understand that politicians from all tribes are their enemy and not the next guy who does not speak their language.
IF u really meet a sound NORTHERNER , u will understand this story as stated above.
Why is it that the same MARRIAGE principles the Fulani applies to the Poor is not applied when people like BUHARI’S sons/RICH go out to marry their new brides….?
Why is it that, the same ablution done on the roads in the streets before prayers, by the poor muslims not done by the RICH MUSLIMS…?
Why is it that the same AMPUTATION that is carried out on the poor Muslims for stealing not done on the RICH like ABACHA and IBB, who looted the treasury and further impoverished them…?
Why is it that BUHARI’s daughters are allowed to study courses of their choice in LONDON and the US rather than studying ISLAMIC studies…in Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen…?
Why is it that the NINJA HIJAB is only applicable to the poor Muslims and not to the daughters of Buhari, Yar adua, Atiku, etc….
So, if the POOR Northerners are enormous in number, then imagine what becomes the security of that place during elections and NYSC…
NORTH has Religion but no Independent Culture.
That’s why IMAMS can comfortably order people to be stoned to death for stealing….
No PRIEST dares such in southern Nigeria, because the Land has its laws…
The real truth is that RELIGION and POVERTY ( no exposure, no enlightenment, no education) have done more damage to NIGERIA…which paved way for tribalism.
We are Finished……..
Sandra Sullivan writes from Lagos