1. If you arrest him again, his popularity will triple, and you will lose the remainiung Biafraans who are against IPOB as they know this young man has done nothing wrong. There is also a possibility that it will be bloody as any arrest will be resisted by supporters. This is not the time you picked him up alone with one assistant in Lagos in a Hotel.
Now he is surrounded by millions who are willing to lay down their lives for him…not just to carry gun but to sacrifice themselves in mass suicides for him. Go and read about Iranian mass suicdes during the gulf war. The world/western powers before then, have never seen anything like that before. So this plan will not work
2. Kill him? Hmmmm! I don’t even want to go there. You will throw this country into an unforgettable anarchy that could last for the unforeseeable future. This country will be turned into ashes within 48 hrs; so don’t even consider this option as Biafraans are angry; moved on from 1960s despite how they were massacred, this time around, they will tell you the real meaning of “to be or not to be.”
Not only will this war this time around be fought in Biafraaland, it will also be fought in Abuja and Lagos, and across the country. It will be a complete disaster and utter destruction.
Rather than going with something without a war via referendum and peaceful separation, we will all end eventually separating after Abuja, Lagos and other priced cities have been turned into rubble.
3. Exit Dialogue for referendum? Yes…this appears to be the only option right now. Engage him for referendum. Go and campiagn in ND states for One Nigeria against Biafra before the referendum since that is the reason why One Nigeria exists in the first place.
It will be a difficult task but you never know, some ND states might say no Biafra though I doubt in my lifetime as every sensible person in this country is fed up with Nigeria