Peter Agba Kalu wrote,
“The #Free_Evans crusade going on tells a lot about our society. We have been seriously damaged and our hearts hardened by daily social atrocities we witness that certain abnormal has come to become norm.
The political leaders have much betrayed trust, feasting on our collective Commonwealth like it was a family patrimony. Roads, salaries paid, health developments etc done with public funds by people elected to do same are being celebrated like the executives are running personal NGOS and doing us personal favours.
Our religious leaders has gone bizarre in their competition to acquire personal aircraft, build universities that are not affordable to the very members that contributed funds to establish it, and building of the biggest auditorium not only without building plans and solid structures like that of Bishop Akan Week that collapsed last December at Uyo.
Our religious leaders are building weak social foundations that is encouraging laziness, discouraging hardworking and critical thinking in our youths expectations of miracle. The morden day faith isn’t like that of old were Apostle Paul demands your faith be shown through your work. In these modern, positive social ettequate has been murdered. Hardworking foundation sacrificed at the altar of inpatients.
In a society where drug barrons, obtaining by tricks, embezzlers of public funds, go Scott free and end up being our traditional and political leaders. Where automobile show off by religious leaders, open sex, gay right and lack of respect to elders are being celebrated. In all honesty, it’s not far of for a selected members of such society to demand pardon for a daredevil criminal like Evans. Evil and crime is being rationalized and compared as “is he different from the politicians that still our money?”.
The debate is on and respected social commentators don’t are actually taking sides on an undebatable topic.
Ethnic divide is equally taking hold and the reasoning of the very elect are being coloured.
That’s how low we have sunken as a nation. That’s just us. Evans simply presents an opportunity that reveals the soul of the nation. Plus including me; we are all guilty.
No matter how you try to colour it: Evans is a notorious criminal that must be punished for his crime against humanity.”