are given orders you are supposed to function.
Your group, the Arewa consultative forum was a part of the Arewa youth coalition, is that correct?
Yes, it is
And you are seeing absolutely nothing wrong in the Kaduna declaration?
There is nothing wrong, there is nothing abnormal in it.
Don’t you think that your statement could have sparked some hatred somewhere, some violence somewhere even though you said you meant no violence?
Is anybody in this country praying for violence to take place? You have freedom of speech. Treason in such statement Somebody has the right to say he wants to break away from the country and nothing happens to him and you have somebody who is just talking about allowing him to go… How do you see comments that the statement is treasonable? It is not treasonable. It is how you want to interpret it. It cannot be treasonable if you cannot say there is treason in the Biafran stand, you shouldn’t turn round and say there is treason in such statement.
So what does the north want?
The north wants peace. The north on its own is fighting anything that is retrogressive to this country’s progress especially the Arewa youths. The police have issued statement that they are going to arrest those who have issued this statement because at the moment we do know that Nnamdi Kanu is being tried for treason, he is on bail and why should your group not be arrested?
Who said our group should not be arrested? Did any one of those people say they should not be arrested, that they cannot be arrested? You dared the police, it was reported that your group dared the police to arrest them If there is an order inviting somebody or if there is an order of arrest coming from the court or whatever or from the powers that be, then the police have a duty to go and effect the arrest.
From Channelstv