most highly technologically inclined in the whole of Africa. You will also notice that Igbos always handle the post of science and technology and industry in most Nigeria ministerial post, The first west African billionaire is from Nnewi Chief Sir Louis Ojukwu, the black Indigenous Vehicle Manufacturers E.g INNOSON MOTORS AND COSHARIS MOTORS, Indigenous MOBILE PHONE AND COMPUTER MANUFACTURERS e.g A) SLOK MOBILE (Orji Uzo kalu).. B) ZINOX COMPUTERS(Leo Stan Ekeh) . C) SLOT MOBILE (NNAMDI EZEIGBO) D) Father of Internet and founder of The Fastest Computer in the world(PHILIP EMEAGWALI) …… ETC, etc, etc. (7) We carry home our dead one just like the isreal (Gen 49 vs 29-50). ( Just like the Isreal we were lead or ruled by Elders and Priest. There was no King in Isreal until appointed SAUL as the king of the Isreal and that was why Isrealiites were lead by prophet moses and so many other prophets. Etc Conclusion
Isreali Ambassador (Noah Katz) Confirmed that Igbos are jews. (Check Daily Sun Newspapers 28 March 2004). Therefore, Igbo Are the Engine Block and Japan of Africa , no wonder an Author with international Reputation, “Emefiena Ezennia” said that in “Biafra Africa Died”. We are good people, we love our neighbours, we accommodate any body. We can live everywhere and develop any where. It in our blood to develop. We need Igbos to develop Nigeria and Africa, even all over the world, we are Gods people a chosen generation!
Nigeria should stop the marginalization of the Igbos and the Biafra or let them have their freedom.
For the Igbo’s we should know who we are dream and think bigger, for you are the son of the most high God, the God of Abraham (Abiama) believe in your self and work harder as it is in your blood, every parents should endeavor to teach their children igbo language and culture all the time!
Destiny Ifeanyi writes from Nsukka