we met, pleaded among other things that their Igbo brothers should help them in making peace amongst themselves as many Igala clan are divided over the issue of religion(Christianity and Islam), joining the Igbo or staying. Other reports and questions will be collated during our next family campus meeting.”
In their sensitization material shared during the period of the evangelism, they declared that, “IPOB rejects the notion of continued forced co-existence between and among people who had entirely different value system, belief, world outlook, and so on.
“IPOB rejects the continued existence of this unholy marriage between Biafra and Nigeria. Wouldn’t you consider it an honour that you are called upon to take part in the struggle for the emancipation of your people?
“IPOB denounces violence in all its entirety, but seeks self determination through a peaceful referendum in which those, who want to leave can leave and those who want to stay can stay in Nigeria.
“IPOB rejects the notion of continued existence in a nation that can no longer work.”