close friend of the Plateau girl, that was how she was staying with them…..
One thing that surprised me was that, this man wasn’t even directly related to any of the 3 Corps members, the only had the same State of Origin, and probably similar Local Government or Clan
Those Plateau Corpers also met the man in an almost similar incident that we met him.
Me and my cousin bonded so much with this Plateau boys nd girl, we became so close, the knew we were Igbos…
But the treated us like their brothers and sisters
We joked a lot about many things in Nigeria…
Finally my Cousin’s PPA accepted him, he then proceeded to the NYSC Zonal Office in the state for further documentation and registration….
It was remaining me, I almost laid a curse on my PPA management, the kept me in a state of dilemma, in the sense that my original posting letter was with them, and no response was given….
So I could not go for Reposting or get another PPA, because I will require my original posting letter…
I complained to the NYSC officials about my situation, but the were not interested, the were more interested in sampling all the female corpers…
… Mehn, those officials bang Taya, the fuvked One Nigeria
, sleeping with Ifeoma, amarachi, Adeola, Ronke, Oghenovo, Halima, Ekaitte, Ene, Ogheneruemu, Emiene, Magajiya, Katoucha Niane
This banging of female Corpers by NYSC officials was the cost for favors such as: reposting, change of PPA, change of CDS, registration problems, account information problems, etc even girls who were posted to Rural (Villages) areas, that wanted to be transferred to the State Capital, all paid dearly with their Reproductive systems
and some glands (mammary)
The boys were taxed, bribe
An official told me to give him 20K, for another posting letter, imagine
20K was much more than my Alawee..
And I was already low on Cash generally, because of my Hotel Sojourn….
Too much forming no good ooooo…
I for jejely stay for Family house from beginning, I carry myself enter Hotel
Now, my Cousin was done with the registration and clearance, he was about to traveled back Home, he gave me some money, before he went
The man who accommodated us, gave him(my cousin) complete money for transportation…
Never knew some people can be so nice, especially to strangers …
After my cousin left, I was a bit bored, because previously 1 male corper and 1 female corper had already traveled.. (The ones from Plateau state)
So, we were remaining 3, me, 1 plateau boy and 1 Igbo girl, plus the