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JUST IN: Northerners Are Afraid Of Us, Start Running Back Home – Nnamdi Kanu Declares Total War, As Igbos Begins Mass Exodus

​Nnamdi Kanu, on Wednesday, through the Movement for the Actualisation of Sovereign States of Biafra, MASSOB, has appealed to Igbos in the North, to start returning back to the South-East.

MASSOB, said the eviction order was issued, because Northerners were marveled at the compliance to the sit-at-home order.

Recall, that the North had given the Igbos residing in the North, a three-month’s ultimatum, to quit the North, or face bloodshed.

Speaking with The Sun, Leader of MASSOB, Uchenna Madu, urged the Igbos, not to wait for the three months quit notice to expire, before they vacate the region.

Appealing to Igbos to re-invest in the South-East, Madu said: “MASSOB is aware that such rascality will happen. As a matter of fact, this is the only rascality exhibited by sponsored Arewa youths, to forcefully exit the people of Biafra residing in Arewa land, that MASSOB will 100 percent support.

“Their Boko Haram tactics didn’t work as planned. We pledge our total support towards this divinely approved quit notice.

“MASSOB congratulates the Arewa political, religious, traditional, and opinion leaders, who sponsored their youths wing by using Arewa House in Kaduna, for this greatest meeting of a coalition of Islamic fundamentalists.

“As there is no other alternative to stop Biafra freedom, the Northern leaders have resorted to using their youth’s wing to start terrorising the people of Biafra living in the Northern region.

“What they saw during the sit-at-home exercise to mark the 50th anniversary celebration of Biafra declaration by General Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu marveled them, irrespective of the promises made to them by their stooges in Biafra land.

“MASSOB urges our people to start returning home now. Don’t wait till the three months for the quit notice to expire. MASSOB is begging our people to re-invest their investments back to Biafra land.”

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Damilola is a full time journalist/writer/freelancer and blogger.

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