This is a warning.from the GUARDIANS OF BIAFRA or NDI NECHEDO OBODO.
This warning is for The Igbo for Nigeria Movement (INM) and directly to their leader or The national leader of the group, Mazi Ifeanyi Igwe.
Mazi Ifeanyi Igwe, your family probably did not witness the Biafra war, neither was your sister raped by the Hausa/Fulani soldiers?
You and your useless organisation The Igbo for Nigeria Movement (INM) are against the restoration of Biafra.
The GUARDIANS OF BIAFRA or NDI NECHEDO OBODO are the Indigenous people from UDI-ABIA ENUGWU who’s sons were killed by the Nigerian soldiers and their daughters raped and in our families are bastards fathered by Hausa/Fulani Soldiers.
We the GUARDIANS OF BIAFRA or NDI NECHEDO warning you to close your mouth forever or we will close it for you and your worthless Igbo for Nigeria Movement (INM).
From 9th Mile to Enugwu, we are watching you very closely and if you refuse to close your mouth concerning the restoration of Biafra, we promise to kill you and all those opposed to Biafra restoration.
We say it is time we start killing and assassinating saboteurs like you who sold their souls and birth right to one Nigeria.
Be warned, The Igbo for Nigeria Movement (INM), because One Nigeria will never save you.