Mr Benjamin Netanyahu, prime minister of the state of Israel – my country.
I congratulate you on your journey to West Africa. I am proud that we have strong prime minister cause our country needs strong man in our little peace of land of freedom and democracy. As an Israeli citizen I know when you are right and when you are wrong. I have the right to criticize you, to shout at you and to tell you any thing I want to say even if it is something you don’t like to hear. I am allowed to do that in my free democratic country and no one will throw me to jail or take me to trial or limit my free steps. I have all This and more in my free , democratic, independent country Israel. But there are others who don’t.
There are others that stand up for their beloved country , stand up and say what’s in their heart and mind and demand their freedom, demand their justice, demand their restoration, asking for your help, asking to hear your voice loud and clear, waiting for your open support in their legitimate struggle and for that they are thrown in jail, bitten to death in most horible terrible ways that only satanic evil devil can do. You know whom I ‘m talking about. You talked about them and about the genocide of the people of Biafra just recently in our memorial day of our Holocaust. Mr Netanyahu children and parents are being murdered in Biafra every day and as you said it before – the world is quite and does nothing and being hypocritical about Biafra only because of the oil. We knows what is genocide . only 75 years past since our Holocaust.
You know exactly what is going on in Biafra. You condemned terror and fight terrorism. I want to hear your voice loud and clear and strong in this . the Igbo peaple of Biafra are our brothers from Gad’s tribe. It is our duty to make a stand. To talk loud and clear and give them our help.i want to hear your support in their great great leader, the wise man, the hero, their delivered Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. I need to