their posts after their selection, he/she is nevertheless crucial to the operation of Biafra’s executive government.
(g) The President chairs the special session of the Directorate of State, gives assent to legislation, makes appointments on the advice of the government, and performs a host of other executive and ceremonial functions.
(h) The President’s role is also in appointing the Prime Minister who is usually the leader of the largest party in Parliament following an election, dissolving parliaments and calling elections.
3. There shall be a Parliamentary System of government in Biafraland.
(b) Biafra Parliament shall be sovereign in exercise of functions relating to the governance of Biafraland. It shall exercise this sovereign powers through the office of the Prime Minister.
(c) Members of Parliament shall be elected in general party based parliamentary election.
(d) From among the elected members of the Parliament, the Prime Minister of Biafra shall be elected by members of Biafra Parliament.
(e) The minimum age limit to be elected a parliamentarian shall be 21years.
(f) The Parliamentary Dress code shall be corporate – suit and tie.
(g) The maximum age to seek elected office shall be 55years of age.
(h) There shall be a Speaker of the Parliament and a Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies.
(i) Biafra Parliament shall be the legislative arm of government and an equal partner in relation to the other two (2) arms of government namely the Executive and the Judiciary.