the minister of labour and employment has called on Igbos to be strategically positioned for 2019 saying he did not endorse Igbo marginalisation.
Vanguard reported that the minister stated this in response to backlash he faced for saying Igbo people should not complain about marginalisation as they failed to give Buhari votes.
Ngige in a statement through Mr. Nwachukwu Obidiwe who is his special adviser on media saying he was misquoted as he did not in away say Igbos deserved to be marginalised.
He said: “We put all our eggs in one basket despite clear signs we shouldn’t. We should therefore not allow such ill-advised investment to repeat in subsequent elections. My position which I passed as a caution in that interview is that Ndigbo should start to strategically position themselves for 2019 and avoid a repeat of what happened in 2015.
Other zones are already strategizing and we must not be caught napping. Just as all reasonable politicians in the South East accept that we played bad politics in 2015, we should effectively put it behind us.
The resilient nature of the Igbo allows no room for self-pity. We have met greater challenges and surmounted them.”