no rehabilitation has taken place in more than 50 years on after the savagely,uncivil and evil war of madness carried out on Biafrans at the order and support of Britain while the world watched. Yet each time the Indigenes of the ancient nation of Biafra comes out to commemorate their slaughter relatives, the same Nigeria government will either cry foul, threaten them with armaments of warfare (that are supposedly meant to protect protect the whole contraption called Nigeria against external extermination) to intimidate them, harrass them, humiliate and/or kill them. What a folly of “one indivisible” Nigeria.
From 2015–2016 Killing of Biafran Protesters
refers to the killing of Biafrans peaceful and disciplined demonstrators
demanding the restoration of the sovereignty
of the Republic of Biafra by Nigerian security
forces, especially the Nigerian army , across
the Eastern parts of Nigeria . The
demonstrations are spearheaded by several
agitating groups. In addition, residents of
the above-mentioned region have often been
subjected to conditions synonymous with
those obtainable in the Nazi regime of Germany. What a folly of “one, united and indivisible Nigeria”.
The way and manner with which the Nigeria military rolled out their military choppers, crafts, war tanks and armoured vehicles in a show of force as if the combined forces of US and RUSSIA is about engaging Nigeria is very laughable, and absolutely lugubrious. Let’s be reasonable and objective for a minute, where were all these military personnel all this time while the Armed Fulani Herdsmen continuously terrorized and killed the defenceless people of Nimbo Enugu State, raped women and razed houses in Agatu Benue state and many other parts of the East. No military tanks were rolled out, no armoured vehicles, choppers, or personnel were deployed in protection of the defenceless people whom they were meant to protect . What a folly of “one, united , indivisible Nigeria”.
The Presidency, Chief of Army Staff, Chief of Defence Staff, Inspector General of Police and all the Personnel concerned should not just take foreign trips but learn from Civilized Nations in the world that it is the responsibility of the Riot Police to Escort and Protect all Peaceful protesters and not intimidate and/ or kill them.
Comr. Onuoha Endurance, B.Sc (Hons), Pol. Sc., Ed, UNN For CIVIL RIGHTS ADVOCATES OF NIGERIA (CRAN)