Scott Berry James, a mayoral candidate in New York, United States of America (USA) penned this Article for Biafrans’ during this year’s May 30th, 2017 Heroes Remembrance Day celebration. With this article, he proved the difference between USA politicians and those from the United Kingdom (UK).
Today, I salute the Biafrans of New York City who join their compatriots throughout the USA, and around the world, as well as their fellow Biafran citizens at home.
Today, Biafra celebrates May 30, 1967: the day Biafra declared her freedom from the British puppet government of Nigeria.
Unlike America, who, each July 4th, celebrates the success of their fight for Independence from British tyranny, the Biafrans, today, celebrate their 50 year old, unfulfilled Declaration of Independence from British tyranny by not working. They celebrate by sitting in their homes. Why are the people of Biafra, in the year 2017, sitting in their homes? Because since America’s Revolutionary War, British Tyranny and thirst for financial theft has not ceased.
The Biafrans sit at home for fear that VENTURING INTO THEIR OWN STREETS for any peaceful protest in Biafraland would mean a most likely death as, this very day, they would be massacred by the British backed Nigerian Thug Army.
They sit in fear, knowing that the British continue to supply military weaponry with which to torment, terrorize, intimidate and slaughter the Christian Biafrans who might dare to walk in peaceful protest.
Why would the supposed “Christian” based, if not Christian enforced, government of Great Britain back the continued slaughter and genocide of their fellow Christian brethren? Because Great Britain is rightly concerned that their thirst for the rape and theft of Biafra’s oil not be quenched.
British oppression and tyranny continues unabated since before 1776, as today, May 30, 2017, their willingly blind leaders sip tea and accept an incredulous end to their own freedoms of speech. They display an astounding complacency to honoring creeping sharia and to be increasingly subjugated to the concepts of Islamic theocratic superiority.
Thus, the British camaraderie with the Nigerian Muslims provides and easy justification of the demise of their own western values as well as the justification of the relentless rape and financial ruin of their infidel Biafran brothers and sisters.
Today, as the world evolves to tearlessly accept London Muslim Mayor Khan’s admonition that death, destruction, suicide bombers, and