Everything I share is from my experience and also from research, so you can count on me. I am here to make you look good… because you deserve to look good…
I saw this information circulating online and I decided to clear some things up so that most of us won’t go about believing what we see.. This information here is condemning a lot of products and the constituents of the products.. I believe it was not done with adequate research and it is meant for the gullible minds.. But I am here to educate you..
My name is Paul Samuel – FitnessDoctor, your favorite health blogger.
What the Media will Never Tell You
● Attention friends if following codes are mentioned on food packs then you should know what you are unknowingly consuming.
E 322 – Beef
E 422 – Alcohol
E 442 – Alcohol & Chemical
E 471 – Beef & Alcohol
E 476 – Alcohol
E 481 – mixture of Beef and Pork
E 627 – Dangerous Chemical
E 472 – mixture of Beef, meat & Pork
E 631 – Oil extracted from Pig fats.
● Note – you will find these codes mostly in products of foreign companies like :- Chips , Biscuits , Chewing Gums, Toffees, Kurkure and Maggi !
● Don’t ignore pay your kind attention at least for the well being of your kids, if in doubt then search by yourself through your sources if not internet. (Google)
● Look at ingredient on Maggi pack, you will find flavor (E-635 ).
First of all there is no problem with the flavour in Maggi (E-635) The Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives assessed the addictive also known as Disodium 5′-ribonucleotides and concluded that the additive shows no toxicology at any level and acceptable daily limits do not need to be set. This was done in 1974 and 1993..
This information also states that
That foreign companies selling health tonics like Boost
Protin-ex., were tested in Delhi at All India Institute (which houses biggest laboratory in india) and it was found that it is made from the waste left after oil is extracted from Groundnut ! Which is food for animals ! From this waste they make health tonic !!
Now, you all know that most plastics we use today are recycled material, meaning they were waste we threw away and they were picked up, refined and made useful again.. To this effect you can’t claim that these products are unhealthy because of where they were gotten from, what you should concentrate on is the production process, side effects and purity of the products.. Imagine that the bottled water you are drinking today. That plastic can has been used to other people and it is now used by you. But the reason why you are still using it is because it went through recycling and cleansing to get to where it is.
Here is what the information says
Lots of people enjoy Pizzas today.
Let’s have a look over pizza companies
“Pizza Hut
Pizza Corner
Papa John’s Pizza
California Pizza Kitchen
Sal’s Pizza”
These are all american companies,
Note:- to make Pizza tasty…
E-631 flavor Enhancer is added which is made from Pork or Pig meat.
Disodium inosinate (E631) is also a food addictive used in instant noodles, potato chips, and a variety of other snacks.
The FDA (Food and Drug Agency) committee found no evidence of carcinogenicity, teratogenicity, or adverse effects on reproduction. But it has a recommended daily consumption of added 5′-ribonucleotides averages 4 mg per day, compared to 2 g per day of naturally occurring purines.
According to the information
When Amitabh Bachhan was operated in hospital for 10 long hours !
Doctor had to cut and remove large intestine !! and doctor had told him that it has rotten due to drinking of soft drinks like Coke, Pepsi ! And then he stopped advertising coke pepsi !
Amitabh Bachhan never endorsed coca cola (coke) he only endorsed Pepsi and according to him.. He only stopped endorsing the brand when a little girl told him her teacher called Pepsi POISON…
But the truth is that Pepsi, Coca Cola and other surgary drinks are very deadly, Guard your intake the same way you guard your life.
The claim that Amitabh Bachhan intestine was severely damaged due to the drinks was made by Rajiv Dixit.. But how true is it??
According to the information
media never informed us that Life bouy is neither bath soap nor toilet soap !
But it’s a Cabolic soap used for bathing animals !
Europe uses Life bouy for Dogs ! And in our country millions of humans use it !!
Now let me clear this up… Lifebuoy was originally, a carbolic soap containing phenol. The soaps manufactured today under the Lifebuoy brand do not contain phenol. So it is no longer a carbolic soap which the information above is pointing to.
Kindly forward it to your family and friends to spread awareness.