Whenever a girl is coming to visit me for the first time in my house. I do crazy things sometimes to know the kind of girl she is
Especially if she’s a girl I like so much.
First, I would tryna make sure she cook
because I like food and girl wey no sabi cook don’t deserve my love.
Secondly, I sometimes scartter everywhere to see if she will querry why everywhere s scattered and then put them back in their place.
Girl wey no sabi put eye for ground observe things Na Suwegbe.
Know the kind of girl you’re dealing with.
Do things she doesn’t like sometimes to know if she’s highly temperamental or not (very important)
If both of you are highly temperamental, please free her so you no enter One Chance relationship.
And if after all this test she pass, please treat her well.
Any girl that is willing to “chop my money ” on our first date, should also be ready to cook for me the very first day she sets her foot in my house.