Out of curiosity, a guy was chatting with some of his female friends. The chat exposed him to so many things that ladies do that guys wouldn’t ever imagine. Comment and share if you agree. Definitely not all ladies but some are guilty of most of the things listed.
1. They masturbate- Just like the trending news on nairaland, a lady using cashew to make herself feel good. So many ladies started this since they were much younger. it is either as a result of what they watch or see people do. Most ladies that act single or rather stay single masturbate just to feel satisfied when the urge comes. They act strong and rugged on the outside but soft on the inside.
2. They Cheat- Ladies are good when it comes to this. They just lead several guys on and make them assume they are in a relationship.A lady can’t say No to all the guys that ask her out, so definitely there are some she is dating. Ladies are referred to as weaker version. some ladies are easily swept away due to lack of contentment.
3. They hide pain- Now, we are not talking about ladies that attention seekers, we are talking about ladies that are good when it comes to hiding pain. when they are on their period, they still smile and act like ll is well. when they see their partner cheating, some ladies try to ignore it and weep in silent.
4. They are suckers for love- No matter how they try to act stiff necked, ladies love LOVE. They seek attention and affection. Ladies are lovers to the core, it only takes the right guy to figure out that part of them. Once you get that soft part of her, you have hit it big.
5. They have one crush- no matter how much a lady pretends, there is always one crush somewhere. there is always one guy she is loving and seeing as her #MCM #MCE . there is always one guy they talk to on phone for long, there is always that person other than the main guy.
comments if you agree or not.