Dear Senators and Rep Members,
It is with total humility and respect to the votes of Biafran populace in Biafraland which gave you, the Senators, Rep members and State House of Assembly members from Biafraland the mandate of legislative representation to represent Biafra people in those legislative chambers, that I, Mazi Onyebuchi Eze, a Biafran activist of Family Writers of IPOB wish to write this open letter to you people. The writing of this open letter to you people become highly necessary in the view of the hurricanes of agitations for Biafra restoration presently raging like wild fire around your senatorial zones & constituencies.
Distinguished Senators and Honourable Rep members, if there is anything heating up the polity and political atmosphere all over Biafraland at the moment which deserves a courageous legislative attention and robust action, it is the unbendable quest for Biafra restoration. Unfortunately, what baffled me the most and have seriously created enormous doubt in my mind on whether you people actually understand the tenets of legislative representation or just blatantly being cynical to the plight of your constituents, is the fact that since these gales of requisition for Biafra restoration which has caused Nigeria government to massacre uncountable numbers of Biafrans as reported by Amnesty International, took center stage in with Mazi Nnamdi Kanu (De Great) in 2012, none of you has gone to his or her constituency to hold even if it is a town hall meeting with relevant stakeholders like traditional rulers, religious leaders, youth leaders and opinion leaders of your respective constituencies, to get first-hand information of what is raising dust in your constituencies. I begin to wonder if you people are representing yourselves there or representing Biafrans who voted you in.
Distinguished Senators and Rep members, as you people failed to do something on time due to your cynicism on the groaning of Biafra populace whom have been butchered, massacred, killed, maimed, molested, humiliated, bathed with acid and buried their lifeless bodies in a shallow pit by Nigeria government in a joint liability with their armed forces over their unbendable demand for Biafra restoration, the only option remaining for you people at the moment is to move the motion for Biafra referendum in the floor of Nigeria senate, Nigeria House of Rep and state Houses of Assembly in Biafraland. This is the only courageous action that will restore the confidence of Biafrans on the 32 notable Senators of Biafraland in Nigeria senate and other federal and state legislators as the unquenchable demand for Biafra has attracted the attention of international community and become a global phenomenon due to senseless killings and unlawful detention of Biafrans on the issue.
Distinguish Senators, let nobody tell me that you people subscribed to the Oath of allegiance and Oath of office which is contained in the 7th Schedule of Nigeria 1999 Constitution which renders you people incapacitated in sponsoring, moving or seconding a motion for Biafra referendum in the floor of both chambers of National Assembly, because the collective legitimate desires of the populace of your constituencies such as Biafra referendum/restoration should to that extend override such constitutional bottle-neck if such two interests clash. It is worthy of note that all of you are sitting in the chambers due to the mandate of social contract given to you people by Biafrans through their votes during previous elections.
Distinguished Senators and Rep members, what you people should do now is to go back to your respective senatorial zones and constituencies and organize constituency hearings from relevant stakeholders such as the youth leaders, traditional rulers, religious leaders and town union leaders in town hall meetings and get first hand information on the weight of the demand of Biafra referendum and move same as motion in your own parliament. Let me tell you people that any ideal legislator is not sitting in the parliament in his/her own but for the interest of his constituency, that is why Julie Ward MEP, representing London North West move motion demanding for Nnamdi Kanu release in EU parliament but Sen. T. A. Orji of Abia Central is too terrified to do the same in Nigeria senate. If you courageously move motion such as Biafra referendum in floor of the senate, it is not your opinion because the world has known that it is the collective desire of your constituencies. If Nigeria govt victimize any of you for moving or seconding motion for Biafra referendum, such person will automatically join hall of fame with Nnamdi Kanu.
Biafrans are now waiting for your legislative action.
Yours Sincerely
Mazi Onyebuchi Eze