A logical careful look at the trend of events and circumstances surrounding the bail of the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, will reveal that these five things underlisted are as much indispensable as the struggle it self.
Take a look…
1. Reach out as far as possible, to the families of those who lost their lives in the struggle: he is not restricted from meeting people. Think of the joy this move would spark in the lives of these parents, the confidence it would restore to the struggle, the genuineness of belief it will reassure, seeing the now famous and well revered especially, amongst the Igbo people of extraction, Nnamdi Kanu, relate with these people would be perhaps, the best of thing to spark hope in these parents. I don’t think they would wish anything more, not certainly money which can’t buy back their lost loved ones. Nnamdi Kanu can’t address them in the press, so, what’s rather the best option is include them in your “thank you tour.”
2. Dine with South Eastern politicians using a very long spoon. Yes, while you want to get some experience, information, and thoughts from the politicians from our region and dig out their minds, please, Kanu, be extremely cautious. Just like the political leaders all over Nigeria, most of the leaders from our part are just damn corrupt. The song of Biafra freedom irritates their ear even though they shine their teeth on you. You know why, because the present arrangement of Nigeria favours them. Yes, they are beneficiaries of the contraception; they are people who represent the 5% from South East that may unleash their arsenal to force you out of the struggle for self-determination of Biafran.
3. You need money. In as much as money shouldn’t be a determinant factor, I make bold to say that no struggle is ever sustained with heavy reliance on aids and financial contributions from persons and individuals. You can’t even try it with these Nigerian rich men particularly, Igbo leaders, else, the Biafran struggle you spearhead will suffer. It would certainly be at the mercy of these men and of course, they detest every sound of Biafra, though they love to hear Igbo. And so, Kanu, you must monetise, to begin with, some of Radio Biafra platforms. Opening the platforms for ads and sources of income wouldn’t be bad an idea to have. Anyway, I think you know too well on this.
3. Please, as soon as possible, file for appeal on your bail conditions, especially to have your passports back and secondly, to address the press. Two major reasons follow from these points. One, you just need to address the press or give press release. If not, rumours and misinformation will be peddled by touts and disgruntled elements whom I suppose, would largely be implanted by the APC, your strongest enemy. When you don’t talk and your followers don’t hear you and such deep rumours as the one sold out by the APC owned News TV currently, are peddled around, honestly, people’s mind will begin to wane and when that happens, Sir, the fire will continue to die down. Information is power and re-creator of the mind.
Two, your passport is quite indispensable because, as it stands, you just need to begin travelling. The Biafran agitation I suppose has taken a different turn, the present struggle is moving with the trend of civilisation, where power is no longer largely dependent on fierceness, or physical force, but is largely intellectual. It is the time to unleash the power of the intellect by travelling out, meeting world leaders and whomever necessary, engaging in discussions and negotiations, while the traditional methods of rallies and protests are carried out by the boys and followers. You just have to marry the two ideologies or else, the struggle will largely suffer. You need to travel and take the message of rational sympathy and support for the Biafran struggle along with you to the world leaders. And you can’t do any of these without your passport.
4. You need to immediately negotiate for the release of your co-warriors who are still held in detention, although I suppose you are already on that. They are necessary, they are relevant to you and to every move you make. This is because they are your like minds, whom you have been in the struggle and in prison with, who share your belief and ideologies; they are needed, highly needed.
5. It does not violate the law if you find a mouth piece who can stand in for you, who for the mean time, will speak for you though, not directly quoting you. You just need to say something, because the people are beginning to forget that part of your bail conditions is never to address the press.
In all, I am well convinced you are stupendously endowed with knowledge and wisdom, that you are well able and capable to tame the tide and hold up the resolve even in the stiffest of times. You Know better, I suppose.
Thank you.
Submitted by Igbobia