Royal Highnesses such as the Oba of Lagos, Obi oof Onitsha and the Ooni of Ife gathered at an event. The latter who arrived the venue after the first two went over to greet the Obi of Onitsha which went well but as soon as he attempted to greet the Oba of Lagos, he was shoved aside with a casual waving of the hand.
See reactions below:
“There’s a saying that goes thus “Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere”. When this same oba made the lagoon statement, a lot of his kinsmen came out to hail him and agreed with his verbal vituperation. The thing with supporting an evil person at a moment because it favours you is that the same evil person will come for you in due course.
What this Oba of Lagos has just done has shown that he is not refined. He has so much bitterness in his heart and i won’t be surprised if he has done a lot of jazz in his lifetime. Judging the fact that he is a ex policeman, i’m not surprised.
I’ve been indifferent about this Ooni of Ife but this singular act has made me like him and i hereby pronounce him as my favorite traditional ruler in Nigeria. I like the way he handled himself.”
“This man is just incorrigible mehn
A real shame to the institution of The Oba of Lagos. A truly razz display. Very unfortunate that after the class of men like Oba Oyekan this type of man sits on the throne today.
Isn’t the Ooni supposed to be his senior sef?”
“The Oba of Lagos just showed to the whole world he disrespect not just the office of the Ooni but indirectly also dragged his own office into disrepute if not disgrace. In as much we may not know what transpired behind the scene, this is not enough to behave like this in public. Very disgraceful and unfortunate.”
“If not a tout , what kind of OBA wears a sunshade indoors. The OBA of Lagos is not an example of nobility in any way. Neither speech nor action. He is a shame to the stool he sits on. He has desecrated the stool. This is likely the beginning of the end.”
“In heirarchy of Obaship and protocol of honor, Ooni has tarnished his stool.
Dont blame Oba Akiolu.
In normal order Ooni is supposed to be seated. Obi should get up and go pay him homage. Akiolu should get up and go pay him homage.
I wonder if as prince Ojaja II was groomed on sovereingty and what the Ooni crown stand for.
Have you ever seen Alaafin walking over to shake and hug with subperiors? Akiolu dare not treat Iku Baba Yeye like that….he will receive a calabash with parrot’s egg in it before next sunrise. He knows!
Dont blame Akiolu, ask why Ooni is distributing handshakes and hugs and high fives to his subordinates.”
Watch the video below