By a troubled reader:
I am a Nigerian living in America (somewhere in the South) and men never seem to approach me. Not even black men approach me, or at least only one has. People tell me I have a babyface and it doesn’t help that I am a petite girl. People always ask me for my age all the time. 5’6 and weigh 125 lbs and I am 21 and in college. I don’t go to bars or nightclubs.
I am not an ugly girl because strangers call me beautiful/pretty. I have Sudanese men ask me if I am Hausa and that I am really attractive. One Sudanese man asked if I have a bf and when I told him I never had one before he was surprised and said I was really pretty and said that he sees ugly women with bfs all the time. Or sometimes on the street, a man will say I am beautiful but still never approached.
I am confused as why when I go out shopping or anywhere other than bars or clubs, I am never approached by a man?