Nothing can stop the struggle, is time to finish what started by our fore-fathers. We are in 21st century + self determination is not a crime i hope u wise up and stop hating.
justice binta nyako is a sharia cuort judge. now she is imposing islamic religion on a Christian beliver. anybody trying to do this must be suffering of mental illness. they want to islamice nigeri, CAN have you seen it? no freedom of worship; wao no rule of law, FHR has been killed in Nigeria by BOkO HaRAm and ISIS judge. Nigeria Christian Senators are you awake? why must sharia law be imposed on a none mudlim? if nigeria is constituted this nonsense coudn’t have been heard. you are islamizing nigeria.
Let all Nigerians get ready their international passport without which you can not enter Biafra land.All Hail Biafra.
But nnamdi is not a Christian they would have used Jewish law or that of pagans to try him not sharia law.
If anything happen to nnamdi kanu all the whole governors in the east will see hell
Where are the Biafrans lawyers, this is the time rise defence our own.The Biafrans are not known to be cowardly, we brave and not afraid of anyone.The Biafra war was a nation against a tribe just a section of a nation called Nigeria. It is not going be war again but a cold war, that will be fought diplomatically.
Those that call themselves Learned men or women should not lead us to suspect that they are devoid of Common Sense. 2+2 is 4. 2*2 is 4. Any other answer is devoid of common sense.
The time is now, Biafra let’s go! It is not the fight of Kanu alone but of the whole of the Biafrans, at home and diaspora. God almighty at our side we shall surely win this.
quite interesting Justice Binta Kudos …For ur plan but knw that ure just a disgrace to the Judiciary and the constitution u are interpreting I wonder and wonder y on earth some leaned person will jus misbehave U called ur self a justice of federal Republic of Nigeria? kai there is problem some where using Sharia law specifically meant for some religious group to some one who is not concerned cos of Dying Buhari? Ahhh Binta Justice am soo sorry u have failed ride on you can delay the release as much as u can but u can’t Denny it Immediately Buhari kick bucket soon I sopoz u will join him Nonsense.
I Believe Strongly That God Has Come To Intervene In The Case Of Biafra. And Believe Me We Must Get There In Jesus Name. We really have to commend mazi ejiofor for his tenacity, resilience and wisdom all these while. One thing is sure at the end we will win..
Shameful Nigeria is shaking through the foundation. All hail Biafra in Biafra we stand with Nnamdi kanu.
I thank God that at last everything is turning around for our winning, thank God for that ALL HAIL BIAFRA” na dia we dey.
YORUBA AND HAUSA mumuslems can never see peace and can never force anybody to islam or sahria fools idiology, namas a to zOO that can,t reason.
Are you still sitting on the fence the game have already changed . Charlyboy has clearly understood what IPOB stands for.
Mad government, mad leaders, mad judiciary, this simply shows how doomed the zoo has become, am being so aggrieved right now, this people thinks we reason like cows like they do, sharia law kwa?? Umu nne oge erugo ngbe aga na etiyere ndi ngbu’a… Biafra or death
Let every body that comment in the plant form declare fasting and prayer for 7days, everyone that against freedom of these innocent man that Lord should send person to grave in Jesus name.
Sharia is demonic, we don’t live in secrecy (darkness) but in the light of God.
We has nothing to do whith sharia law.
All Hail Biafra.