‘You arrest an activist for running a Radio station abroad, have that radio station stopped?
‘Have you ever seen him with a transmitter?’
Very important questions from Mr Goddy Uwazurike on sunrise daily.
‘The Attorney-General should drop all the charge. He is not the AG of the president, he is the AG of the people.’- Goddy Uwazurike
‘How can you have a country where only the president is right and every other person wrong and you expect peace to reign?’
“If you an Igbo or SS man, and you enter the armed forces or government, there is naturally a glass ceiling above your head, with your first class or 2nd class and people from other regions with lesser results are allowed to climb over you, Kanu saw this and ask ‘What is happening here’. That was the beginning of IPOB.” Mr Goody Uwazurike
“The amalgamation was not done with the consent of any group. It was only a matter of time before someone spoke up, Kanu or not’
‘Even Al mustapha didn’t undergo secret trial all the violence tied to his name’