Relocation! Man MOVES his home almost 500 feet after the Chinese government threatened to demolish the property to make way for highway
*A man in China decided to move his home instead of demolishing it
*The government had asked 165 homes had been asked to move for new road
*Three-storey house was moved 150 metres away to new location on March 21
*A man in China was so determined to keep his house that he moved it 492 feet to avoid being demolished.
Owners of 165 homes in Taixing City, China’s Jiangsu province were told by the government that they would be demolished to make way for a new highway.
The relocation was completed on March 21, costing the man 120,000 yuan (£13,959), reports the People’s Daily Online.
Villagers were told that their houses had to make way for a new provincial highway and were offered compensation.
But one villager decided that he did not want to part with his three-storey property, opting to move the entire house 150 metres costing 120,000 (£13,959).
He was also compensated by the government for moving his house.
Relocating the property took two days and it was completed on March 21.
The house was moved by wooden rollers.
Images show the house in the process of moving as other villagers look on.
Demolitions are common events in China as smaller cities look to grow and bring in vital cash to the area.