An extremist launched an attack at Westminster London and killed four people….the entire international media outlets went wild, as the world stood still in condemnation of the terrorist attack. The invisible, dormant and reportedly dead Nigeria president quickly wrote to Theresa May and commiserated with her.
Meanwhile in Nigeria, Jihadist Fulani herders will raid a local community in Agatu, Enugu, Anambra, Delta, Kaduna and numerous other states in Nigeria, and slaughter thousands of people; first, the Nigeria government will send security operatives, not to investigate the killings, but to stop reprisal attacks. Then after some days or even weeks, the government will be forced to condemn the killings and will shamelessly tell the masses that the herders are immigrants from Libya, and even on top of that, the same government will advocate for grazing reserves for the ‘illegal immigrants’.
Nigeria brown envelope media outlets will tag it ‘a clash between herders and local farmers’ and the international community will remain mute as if some community of mosquitoes have been wiped out.
Somewhere else, hundreds of Biafra activists will be gunned down during peaceful protests by trigger-happy Nigeria security agents…Amnesty international investigates and reports the killings on behalf of the shameless Nigeria media; since then, a calumny campaign has been launched against them, orchestrated by the evil Islamic government of Nigeria using their media henchmen and some rented mobs suffering from the psychological breakdown of economic recession.
To the international community, Biafrans’ lives don’t matter.
To the British government, Biafrans deserves to be killed for attempting to block the source of their modern day imperialism.
The Western media doesn’t even give a dime.
This is the world we live in….an embodiment of racism, discrimination, evil and hypocrisy.
My lamentations will not stop….
By: Kingsley Chukwu in Port Harcourt