I Am An African Woman And I Am Beautiful (Photos)
Here is her story
“I am an African woman and I am beautiful.. Caring about my most priceless possession, my body, doesn’t only make me different, it makes me better… I believe take care of my self and my mirror is a reflection of who I think I am.. I am an African woman and I am Beautiful..
I take exercises every morning to keep myself fit and my stomach flat.. and not just because I want to look all sexy and attractive like I do now.. But also because I want to escape a miserable old life and the stress most people go through today..
Because I make sure I eat well enough even though I don’t have all the money in the world to get all the luxury, that doesn’t mean I am trying to prove that I am smart.. Because I am already smart and don’t have to prove anything to anyone..
I take care of myself… I stopped using my makeup to cover my pimples and acne and then turned to health ways and today I can say I am an African Woman and I am Beautiful..
With adequate sleep and rest, I am able to think better and give more to my relationships, I make better decisions, I get to even eat healthier.. I made these choices to be healthier and now I can say I am beautiful… It is not what you look on the outside.. it is what is on the inside that even reflects on the outside..
If you keep chasing money, and education and claim you are going for a good life… You may get your good life, but you may not enjoy it.. you may not even see your grand-children and you may live the whole of your old years miserable and in disease..
And that is why I subscribed to good health choices and great future plans… What about you… Are you IN or OUT