My Encounter With A House Girl (ADVLTS ONLY) Pics
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Good evening my fellow Igbere TV readers. My name is zest, I live in a one bedroom flat together with 2 other tenants. I have always hated to live in a compound were the landlord lives together with tenants, but due to accommodation Wahala I decided to take this particular house.
Mind you am not saying that some landlords are not good, but I don’t feel comfortable living in the same yard with them.
So I packed in into this compound not quite long and my next door neighbor has 3 kids and a Calabar house girl. The girl has one of the lumptious hips I have ever seen. So one day my guy came and told me about one donation platform to be launched and how it’s going to pay. He said is flikaz.
Back to the subject matter please. So this girl Agnes came into my house and told me that someone was outside calling me, I looked at d bakassi, Na so my danjuma jump Gaga. I com dey ask her why she no dey greet me Wen she see me, she say nothing com go out.
My flikaz friend Maurice just enter as I come out see am, so after much conviction to join I saw him off.
I went straight to Agnes door and knocked, knowing fully well that she will b at home with little baby. Mind u Agnes boss and Madam works in one of the generation banks, they always go out early and returns late.
Agnes opened the door and I asked if I can enter she grind and said OK. Hmmmmm Wahala dey o.
Stay tuned as tori dey com.
I go yarn Una how I take enter landlord daughter kpekus cos she catch me with Agnes the house girl.