“Biafra: A Plot by Igbo to Colonise the S/South”, a N/Deltan Replies Alhaji Ringim
“How dare you assume that even in the retard state of your protectorate, that you can conveniently influence the minds of the learned region in this millennium?” Those were part of the words of Donald Ekpo as he replied to certain statements from a certain Alhaji Sagir Ringim. The Northern hegemonist and the self-appointed lover and defender of “South-south” had ranted in an interview that the Igbo were gunning to colonise the “South-south” peoples.
Sir, I want to thank you for your concern about the welfare of the people of the South-south by exposing the plans of the Igbos to recolonize the region. But I am worried about the sincerity of these your concerns. Because of these worries, let us dissect and carefully assess your statements of fear and concerns in four (4) segments, so as not to repeat the mistakes of 1964, 1966 and 1967-1970s till date. In your carefully written letter or chat with the Journalists as reported in the national dallies yesterday, you clearly stated that the Igbos want to;
(1). Seize the economic prospects of the minority ethnic nationality of the oil-rich region.
Alhaji Ringim, may I remind you that the economic prospects of the South-south is currently being seized and controlled by your people of the Northern protectorate of Nigeria. Does that in anyway mean that you agree that your people have colonized my region? Are you also aware that even the oil wells in Abia State, Imo State and Anambra state and recently Enugu State (Igbo land) is being owned by your people in the Northern Protectorate? Are you aware that we in the oil rich region (South-south) do not have control over our wealth, and its fortunes are determined by your people? Are you also aware that after sharing the proceeds of oil between your protégés in Shell, Mobil, Agip and Chevron, the left over is given to 44 local government of your state Kano, and only 8 Local government of Bayelsa? How more criminal could that be?
Do you know that even when the Natural Gas from my State Akwa Ibom is used to generate power from my state owned Power Station, that the fraud of a constitution you fostered on my people does not allow me to use same electricity in my state or region, but I am forced to load it into the National grid that sends same power to your home in Kano State? Have you seen how the United Nigeria is enslaving me? Are you aware that the fraud of your constitution took away the economic prospects of my region by empowering only the Federal government to build roads that your people from the Northern protectorate never built in my state for over 40 years until the coming of our own Son Goodluck Jonathan, who allowed state governments to tamper with Federal Roads, yet you were busy building all the so called federal roads in your region.
The “South-south” land debased by Northern Nigeria oil exploitation
That your fraud of a constitution imposed on us by you and your allies in the southwest took away the power from us to develop on the economic prospects of the region thereby taking away our rights to economic progress for over 50 years. And here you are sir getting worried of what the Igbos will do to my people. Sir, have you been ever worried about what your people have done to my people? How many of my people have you killed in your region? Please tell me the number of my people slaughtered by the Igbos in their land that is enough for me to be weary of them. Remember that these are my neighbors that lived peacefully with us for centuries, shared cultures, intermarried and even celebrated common cultural events before you came with your successful propagandas that deceived our fathers?
(2). Colonise the South-south, capture the region, colonise oil fields for betterment of the Igbos.
Alhaji Sagir Ringim, may I remind you that the Igbos are not the colonist as you have insinuated here, but you and your people in the northern protectorate. They have so far not shown the threat to colonize as when compared to your people. It is your people that used the oil from our region to better the livelihood of your people and that of your few allies in the Southwest. It is you that is synonymous with the word “CAPTURE”. It is your people that kill non-indigenes in your region to take-over their property. Alhaji Sagir Ringim, just in case you think this generation is as vulnerable are our grandfathers and fathers you deceived by your propaganda. You were able to make them see the Igbos as their enemies in the 60s. Please note that this is the 21st century of 2016.
Murdered by Nigeria
We are aware of these same lies you told our grandfathers and fathers in the early 60s. We are aware that after lying to them that they were different from the Igbos, you still went ahead and killed them in the name of killing the Igbos. We are aware of the devilish, malicious and infernal act you used one of your willing protégés General Gowon to do when you suddenly created the South East State (Today’s Cross River/Akwa Ibom State), Rivers State (Today’s Rivers and Bayelsa state) just to devise the divide-and-rule policy that was advise by the evil British woman just to break the unity of the region.
We know that is was also based on Awolowo’s advise that certain parts of Igbo were sliced off, and added into the new states you created so as to weaken any form of unity that could hold. We have also read from a list of newspaper publications from the New York Post of the 60s as compiled by the LOWER NIGER CONGRESS on all the atrocities you committed against the people of the region before your final propaganda to separate them by these hypocritical lies. And we promise you that even though you used your fraud of a constitution to discourage the study of Nigerian History of the said period in Nigerian Schools, we will do well to expose this events in a carefully Chronicled format for every child/youth of this generation to know the truth. How dare you assume that even in the retard state of your protectorate, that you can conveniently influence the minds of the learned region in this millennium?
(3). Biafra is landlocked and wasn’t blessed with solid materials apart from coal, added that the geology of the enclave can’t support an independent country.
Alhaji Sagir Ringim, if these are your fears about the existence of Biafra, first of all, are you revealing the fears of your region, the Northern protectorate of the 12 Sharia states or the entire protectorate? You do not have any mineral resources and you are landlocked. Are you telling me you and your people have been so worried of surviving alone hence your insistence of a non-functional ONE NIGERIA PROJECT? Let me explain this to you Sir;
The Igbos you are taking about do not just have a large reservoir of Coal in Enugu that can last for another century knowing that Coal is presently running major economies in Europe, South America and South Africa, the region also has a large reserve of Oil and gas in Abia and Imo state. Oil exploration in Anambra state has also commenced and will soon commence in Enugu State. Can you see that your propagandas won’t work as it did in the 60s?
Apart from the fact that your people maliciously separated the Igbos from their original race to Delta, Rivers and Akwa Ibom states, we have taken it upon ourselves to expose the malicious schemes of lies you used to separate our region. Your protégé General Buhari made it easier for us on National Television when his hatred for the people overwhelmed his ability to continue in the cover of your propaganda. He acknowledged the fact that we were all the same people. That notwithstanding, in a matter time, your lies and propaganda will hit the broken bridges of discontinuity. How dare you generate fears that do not exist for your selfish interest? You must have been thinking how successful your deceitful and hypocritical lies would go in rejuvenating the lies of the 60s.
(4). Because of these natural shortcomings, Igbo survived as a diaspora race than any dominant group in Nigeria. The economic prowess of the Igbo domiciled outside Biafra.
Alhaji Sagir Ringim, this is the most absurd and ridiculous of all your concerns as expressed by your expression of love towards my people in the Niger Delta region. Industrialist do not just sit and lazy about as expected by you. And these were one of the fears and concerned expressed by your late Sultan in a video we managed to see where he was worried about the Igbos in the north. Alhaji, are you aware that your successful brother, Dangote; one of the richest man in Africa, has his economic wealth spread and domiciled outside the Northern region? Or are you in anyway saying that because people expand, explore greener areas, that means such an individual has no space in his home? Your points are a bit too ridiculous to have considered as your reasons for granting this interview.
Having segmented your major reasons for advising my region to be weary of our Igbo brothers as those that intend to recolonize my people, I stand bold to say that you and your kinsmen are guilty of all your worries. It is also a cause for concern that you and your allies have suddenly decided to worry about the Niger Delta region. When did you begin to love the region this much?
1. Are you not the same people that classify us all as Igbos during your killing and butchering spree and largess in the north?
Running from Fulani-led Northern Nigeria hegemonists
2. How come you are bothered that the people you classify as one when butchering, are two different people when it comes to owners of wealth?
3. If you could desecrate our land as if we do not exist – come in and take away our oil wells as though it belongs to you – where then is this your sudden love for us coming from?
4. how come one of you announce on National Television that the Oil in Bayelsa belongs to you in Kano and Jigawa?
– Kill us at will if your religion is disrespected in faraway Norway?
– Determine for us when and how our roads are built and how we use power generated from our resources?
– Swore over your graves that our kinsman cannot be President or else you make the country ungovernable of which you did?
Yet you have the guts to tell us to be weary of those that have not in any way attempted to take anything from us by force. I truly hope you realize that this is 2016 and not 1964.
It is best to inform you and all those that have decided to cry more than the bereaved that we are aware that these are the same propaganda you used to separate us, and then forced us to continue in this unholy Union. That was a very unfortunate thing to have happened that kept us in this bondage.
Fortunately for us, the UNITED NATION CHARTER ON THE RIGHTS OF THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE is a tool you cannot do anything about. Quit crying on our behalf, we are presently studying the Constitution of which the Region will be built upon and so far, it can never be as evil as the Forced Marriage called Nigeria.
Thank you for your concerns Alhaji and co.”
By Donald Ekpo