See What This Pretty Young Girl Does For A Living (Photos)
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The lady in the pictures below is resident in my street with her family. We attend the same church.
Her courage is the envy of many other ladies. She recently floated a poultry farm with 200 birds capacity, and even employed 2 locals that work there while she attends school.
Ladies, stop lazing around and following men. Y’all should borrow a leaf from this hard-working girl who roasts corn during raining seasons, and does other businesses like, storage of: Ogbono, Egusi(melon), red palm oil, honey, etc.
She ain’t shy engaging in all the aforementioned for a living.
Currently, she sponsors herself through the university from the proceeds that comes from her hustles.
If she can do it, you too can. Stop being dependent on men; they will destroy you.
Ladies, stop over demanding from you boyfriends, they ain’t your ATM. Like I said it earlier, borrow a leaf from this 21yr old 2nd year university undergraduate.
She is quite beautiful, but ain’t conceited by the ego of her beauty.