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Senator Abubakar Girei Gets the Lashing of His Life Over Biafra

Senator Abubakar Girei Gets the Lashing of His Life Over Biafra 


I was not moved for a minute when I came across the interview that one misguided Abubakar Girei former bench warming senator representing Adamawa central senatorial zone from 1999 to 2003 was uncontrollably wailing and spewing trash out of his mouth because of the intimidating crescendo of Biafra restoration mission. In the said interview, he ignorantly and mendaciously spewed another abracadabra that Biafrans are the major beneficiary of Nigeria. This very wicked postulation if not refuted instantaneously will be swallowed hook line and sinker by many innocent individuals and ignoramuses who do not understand the glaring mendaciousness of these merchants of death and workers of darkness when it comes to issues that borders on Biafra and her people.

Abubakar Girei

Honestly, for the sake of truth and record purposes, after Nigeria-Biafra civil war, Biafrans have suffered painfully in the hands of those managing Nigeria. Biafrans have been suffocated economically and politically. From the economic standpoint, after the civil war, Biafrans who had thousands and millions of pounds in the various banks in Nigeria lost their money. Nigeria government consciously seized these monies and ended up giving Biafrans £20 pounds each no matter how much you have in the bank. Not only that, millions of Biafrans who ran away for their dear lives back to Biafraland when they were been ruthlessly butchered in broad day light in the Northern and Western parts of Nigeria, abandoned their companies, industries, houses and other numerous assets that time won’t permit me to pen down. The murderous government of Nigeria to the chagrin of everybody (more especially, right thinking individuals) unilaterally declared them as abandoned properties. These properties were auctioned to the lazy Yoruba and Hausa/Fulani people. To make matter worst, during the auctioning of these properties, Nigeria banks facilitated the auctioning process by giving out money that belongs to poor and hapless Biafrans as loans to these lazy and daft one Nigerianists ( Yoruba and Hausa/Fulani ). Right on our face, they were sharing the spoils of the war while Biafrans were left to die in hunger and languish in perpetual penury. But we should not lose sight of the fact that after the war, the hypocritical government of Nigeria concocted and drummed up the deceitful theme “no victor and no vanquish”. If truly there is “no victor and no vanquish”, why was the properties of Biafrans and their money confiscated? I will leave the leprous song bird called senator Girei to answer this question.

Secondly, from the politically standpoint, it is rather obvious that after the civil war, the so called owners of Nigeria agreed within themselves that no Biafran will never test the Nigerian presidency. To them, Jonathan as a child of necessity mistakenly became the president and that was the reason why they furiously ganged up against him and uprooted him from power. When it comes to political appointments, Biafrans are always relegated to play a fiddle role. All the strategic political positions are visibly given to the Hausa/Fulani and Yoruba cowards. It is on record that Biafrans are only brought on board to only clean up the mess of these incompetent and inefficient individuals. For instance, Chukwuma Soludo, a renowned economist was brought to clean up the mess in the banking sector, Ngozi Okonjo Iweala was also brought to on board to revive the sick economy and also Onyike Okereke was brought to reposition the stock exchange. These competent and efficient Biafrans delivered in their various capacities.
I want to ask this man called Abubakar Girei, in the face of this pronounced marginalisation and wickedness against Biafrans, how has Biafrans benefitted more in this unholy matrimony called Nigeria? 99% of the oil wells in Biafra land are singlehandedly controlled by these wicked evaders. Amidst all this well calculated economic and political suffocation, Biafrans through hardwork, dedication and constant blessings of Chukwuokike Abiama have been able to triumph and record unprecedented economic success. It will be sheer hypocrisy and mischievousness for any idiot to attribute the economic success of Biafrans under the criminal premise of “one Nigeria”. We own all the big businesses all over Nigeria today based on hard work and nothing else. The rejected stone finally became the cornerstone.

However, I want to sternly inform this Abubakar Girei of a person that we Biafrans are not interested in the rubbish and slavish Nigeria presidency. All we care about is the restoration of the holy nation of Biafra. Whoever that shares a contrary view about our collective stance is not a Biafran but probably one of those idiots fathered by uncircumcised and filthy cowards from Arewa. To be more candid, we Biafrans hold this Biafra restoration mission so sacrosanct. We have no stake in Nigeria and we can never compete for anything because Nigeria is a fraud, specifically designed for fraudulent Hausa/Fulani and Yoruba.

For the last time, Mr. Abubakar Girei who never sponsored any bill in the National Assembly but only featured as a bench warmer should get this cogent message into his empty skull that we Biafrans are not interested in the so called fraudulent presidency, Biafra restoration is all we earnestly crave for. This is just the obvious fact and there is no two ways about it. It is Biafra or nothing. To hell with Nigeria presidency. BIAFRA must be restored.
For Family Writers

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Emeh James Anyalekwa, is a Seasoned Journalist, scriptwriter, Movie producer/Director and Showbiz consultant. He is the founder and CEO of the multi Media conglomerate, CANDY VILLE, specializing in Entertainment, Events, Prints and Productions. He is currently a Special Assistant (Media) to the Former Governor of Abia State and Chairman Slok Group, Dr. Orji Uzor Kalu. Anyalekwa is also the National President, Online Media Practitioners Association of Nigeria (OMPAN)

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