Tension in Delta as Policeman Kills Civilian By Pushing Him Into An Oncoming Lorry (Pics) HAPPENING NOW
As shared by Marcus……
‘NIGERIA POLICE FORCE KILLED AN INNOCENT MAN IN ABAVO TODAY: police man serving at Abavo Police Division, in Ika South L.G.A, of Delta State, pushed an Abavo youth who was standing by the road side waiting to cross to the others side, into an oncoming lorry ascending from the Warri axis of Agbor/Warri Express Road. The police men ran through walk lane trying to block the oncoming lorry now push Mr. Festus Ozuor to oncoming lorry The victim died few hours after the incident. Right now, there is commotion at the Divisional Police Station at Abavo, as the youths have barricaded the road, making motorists and commuters to take alternative route out of the town. Abavo youth seek for justice calling on commissioner of police to investigate the matter. The DPO of abavo police station who agree with the youth that the police men pushed the Mr. Festus Ozuor is from his division’.