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GUYS: 6 Things You Should Never Do When 'E-Wooing' A Lady (online Wooing)

GUYS: 6 Things You Should Never Do When ‘E-Wooing’ A Lady (online Wooing) 

most times we see guys trying to be-friend and woo the female folks online in different social media networks…….and most times these guys tend to do it the wrong way there by making it appear like they are trolling \ ass-licking the said ladies………so here are 6 things u shouldnt do when wooing a girl online and trust me when i say its tested and trusted….so lets go

1)using abbrevations: abbrevating words when texting a lady sometimes pisses them off &make dem ignore ur quotes\chats especially wen ur abbrevation is poor and un-read-able like a 4th grader

2)dry jokes: quote\text a lady an annoying dumb joke she doesnt find funny & watch her stop replying you…..if u aiint funny then try sending her charming sensible texts

3)one word response: both gender find dis irking but the ladies find it more repugnanting when a guy does that especialky when they expected you to type sumtin else……text a 1 word response two a lady trying 2b nice and watch her ignore u….

4)Always agreeing to what she says: girls dont like people counter-ing them wen dy say something…but dat doesnt mean you should always agree with everything she say….wen u once in a while counter her words (with convincing sensible polite words) she’d imagine u being a confident real man & and not some weak puzzy even without seeing u and…do this and watch her send u a pm wink

5)confessing love: this is the dumbest thing to do/say to a lady when e-wooing her…(and sadly d thing dy common among nl guys anyhow)….never tell a gal u’re wooing online u love her just cos she replys ur mentions & u guys talk sometimes….do this and all she’d see u as is a MUGU

6)sending instant pm/requesting a date with her:
jxt cos u made
her laff ane she replied ur mention doesnt warrant u sending her a pm immediately or asking her out….jxt continue chatting/quoting her(saying sensible funny tins) with time u’d get to d point were she’d b requesting u pm her

NB:this is diff from trolling

by: Aggressivefvcker

Anambra man of the year award
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Emeh James Anyalekwa, is a Seasoned Journalist, scriptwriter, Movie producer/Director and Showbiz consultant. He is the founder and CEO of the multi Media conglomerate, CANDY VILLE, specializing in Entertainment, Events, Prints and Productions. He is currently a Special Assistant (Media) to the Former Governor of Abia State and Chairman Slok Group, Dr. Orji Uzor Kalu. Anyalekwa is also the National President, Online Media Practitioners Association of Nigeria (OMPAN) https://web.facebook.com/emehjames

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