Most people would find this piece funny and laugh over it, but this isn’t a joke, anything regarding one’s health is no joke.
I stumbled upon this worried user online who asked this question on a Nigerian platform.
“I am 38 years old, though yet to marry but I am in a serious relationship. Just recently I noticed faeces stains on my pants.
I thought it was only a one time thing until I started noticing it frequently, this got me worried and I started doing some search on Google. The answers I got are really worrying but I don’t want to believe it’s due to my past.
I usually engaged in @nal c0pul@tion in my previous relationship a lot but not anymore.
Please doctors in the house, what could be wrong? I am kinda shy to visit the hospital.
I don’t want my BF to notice what’s happening currently, please help a worried fellow. “