Buhari, Kanu: The Solution Nigeria Desperately Needs Now
By Ukoro Augustine
My heart bleeds from the reports of the ongoing events in Nigeria as seen on the print, socialand broadcast media. The recurring question remains, what are we still waiting for before taking what belong to us? Nigeria as an entity has been bedevilled right from the beginning when it was created by the British Empire during the colonial era. The British colonial enterprise which was comprised of British mercenaries, soldiers, administrators and missionaries exploited, maimed, killed our people, just to continue stealing the resources in Biafran land. Nonetheless, our forefathers fought and gained independence, albeit pseudo.
Today, the independence that Nigeria got is like changing name of a container without changing the contents. Since 1960 till date nothing much has changed; the story has remained the same. The question is, shall we continue like this? We have those who call themselves leaders, yet looking at it properly, they are the reasons we are suffering today. These so-called politicians are the third layer in the neo-colonial strata which has the World Capitalist elite on top and the British in the middle.These so-called leaders/nonstatemen are always looking for means and places to hide fiscal resources which would have been used for development; some siphon our collective wealth to foreign banks, while others hide millions of dollars in their houses, while the real owners of the wealth are suffering and subjected to abject poverty and hunger.
When shall we rise and tell these people enough is enough? Starting from the ward councillors to the President, both former and present are the reasons Nigeria is in recession today. They can paint words for us, because we listen and choose not to act, and it is due for us to rise and fight for justice.These so-called leaders are always ready to make promises with the understanding that the gullible masses can do nothing but be hood winked as usual. Have you heard that 1.5 milliondollars was found in someone’s compound? 9.3 million dollars was found in someone’s house in a country where many people cannot feed twice in a day. Have you ever heard where the president of country will spend millions of dollars on medical trip overseas? Are you aware that some senators were ex-Governors, ex-soldiers, formal ministers etc.? It means for each previous position held, there is a pension and other entitlements attached to it; in other words, a former military governor who became a Senator and is now a Minister, will receive pensions and other entitlements from two different sources while being paid for his current political position. This is happening in a country where so many able bodied youths –graduates and skilled workers- have no job and they are roaming about the streets. When are we going to think and know that all these political leaders are our real enemies? We must rise against them the way our forefathers rose against the colonial enterprise.
The likes of Nnamdi Kanu, who can stand and challenge the evil of the day, are the solutions to our collective problems. We must rise up now and challenge the evil governance that is going on now in Nigeria. We must speak without fear and in one voice especially now against the lies/propaganda of the government of the day.
If those that speak are killed, and those that keep quiet are killed as well, why should we keep quiet and die? We must rise now! We must support the likes of Nnamdi Kanu to bring everlasting solutions to this evil of the day.
Again, the so-called security men are among the problems people are experiencing today in the zoo called Nigeria. What are you bringing to table that other tax payers are not bringing in Nigeria that qualifies you to have tens and hundreds of security men around you whilst in some villages, they don’t even have a common police post? If the so-called politicians and self-acclaimed leaders are not afraid, why are they taking so much security precautions?
There is nothing I can write or say that others have not written or talked about, but for us to get out of this mess, we need the likes of Nnamdi Kanu. Who can stand to defend the poor in this time of wickedness? The likes of Nnamdi Kanu are the solution to Nigerian (zoo) maladies. We have been looking for a good leader that will put Nigeria in order, but the truth is that not even a saint can put Nigeria in order; otherwise Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan would have done that, being a good man that he is. Where is the incumbent president of Nigeria? The likes of Nnamdi Kanu are the people that can stand for the truth and for what he believes in, even if it entails death. The likes of Nnamdi Kanu are the solution to Nigeria problems. Nnamdi Kanu believes in peace, progress and justice for all with the restoration of the sovereign state of Biafra as his priority. He believes in the freedom of all peoples, openness, fairness, justice and equity. Nnamdi Kanu must be released because he has the solution to Nigeria problems and not the cause.
Edited by Olariche Anozie
For Family Writers.