5 Easy Ways To Avoid Pregnancy Without Using C0nd0m; No 5 Is 100% Safe
Ways to avoid pregnancy without using condom: Pregnancy for some people who are not ready is a shock. This is happening because people are not using condoms when they have S3xual intercourse, But in addition I present to you 5 cases when you can make love without condoms, but still not get pregnant.
1. The safe week This is the time between the 8th day to the 20th day of a woman’s cycle. This means that you can have it on the first day on your period, Not applicable to every lady tho because system varies.
2. Withdrawal Method ( pull out) Biologically known as Coitus Interruptous, this method is made with the pulling out of the penis from a woman’s vagina before a man’s ejaculation.
3. Birth control pills This pills are the safest ways of couple to avoid pregnancy. This pills will control the woman’s fertility in order to prevent pregnancy but most at times those drugs might come with side effects especially contraceptives.
4. The effective copper T This is committed when a doctor will implant a device which can be removed when the couple is ready to have a baby.
5. Sterilization This method can 100% guarantee to prevent the pregnancy risks, either for man or woman. However, it is a permanent procedure, so unless you are not sure to not want biological children of your own in the future, then do not opt for this. Hope this tips helps You? NOTE: This is specifically for Only Married Couples