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University Professor Lectures 11 Year Old Daughter On Condom Use


When to talk about s3x or how to use a condom between parents and their children is the topic many tend to shy away from but controversial Dr. Stella Nyanzi will do it with ease and in a matter of seconds, she will be asking if the child has any areas that need to be clarified.

“I had the ‘condom talk’ with my eleven-year-old daughter. I explained the dangers of unprotected s.3.x, without blinking. Feeling like a Ninja-Warrior, I pulled out a packet of black condoms.
She asked about the colour. I told her I preferred condoms that look like the real thing. Luckily, she did not ask for details about the colours of things.”
“So I talked about the tip of the condom and how it is important to squeeze out the air before rolling it up the waiting specimen. We practiced squeezing gently in order not to tear the tip.”
“And then I talked about disposing of the condom after using it. I was careful not to leave out any age-appropriate detail of condom-use for my darling daughter. And then I asked if she had any question.”
When they switched to the Q&A session, the daughter asked how big it can be when blown with air ….In the pic, Nyanzi is seen doing just that.
Away from the condom talk, the MISR researcher who is still on suspension for gross misconduct is all smiles following a shouting headline; ‘Makerere VC Kicks out Prof. Mamdan.’ It should be recalled that Prof. Mamdan was the reason she undressed protesting various issues at Makerere Institute of Social Research (MISR).

Source: UgandaOnline

*I don’t even know the best age to talk to girls about such stuff….scary having a child that is ignorant of what s3x entails…perhaps the earlier the better? I don’t know abeg!

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David Olorunsiwa is a student of kogi state university studying business administration and a very passionate blogger. you can contact through this 08132909269

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