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Donald Trump will only last for few weeks in office — Prof Feinman predicts

A Professor with the Atlantic University of Florida, Ronald Feinman, has predicted the impeachment of the United States, US, President, Donald Trump within weeks, Independent reports.

Feinman, a historian said the business mogul turns p

oliticians may spend only weeks in power as he is not the right person for the office of the US President.

The historian said Trump will stay in the top job “between the 31 days of William Henry Harrison in 1841,” who died of pneumonia; and the “199 days of James A. Garfield in 1881”, who died 79 days after he was shot by an assassin.

The don noted that the decision of the US President to hold a security meeting over the North Korean missile test in a public space in earshot of other people was “a sign of his failure to act responsibly.”

He said, “Many foreign policy professionals are shaking their heads at Trump’s inappropriate behaviour and language every time he speaks in public, or issues a Twitter comment, and his instability and recklessness.

“The fact that Vice President Mike Pence played a major role in pushing Flynn out is a sign that Pence is already asserting himself with Trump.”

He further alleged that the Vice President often appears uncomfortable with Trump’s “freewheeling and careless behaviour,”

Feinman also noted that even if Trump’s tenure was “dragged out,” the President is unlikely to last the 16 months and five days of 12th president Zachary Taylor, who died of a “digestive ailment while he was Head of State in 1850.”

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