HORRIFYING!!! 5 Police Officers Gang-Rape Female Colleague at Police Academy
A female police officer who was brutally raped by five of his colleagues might get justice after police interfered in the matter.
According to reports, the five police officers are being investigated over the alleged gang rape following the emergence of the harrowing footage.
Sun UK reports that the accused officers have been suspended after a graphic video of the alleged attack was released to local media in Villahermosa, in the Mexican state of Tabasco.
The shocking incident allegedly took place at the Police Academy in the city in 2015, but footage of the assault has only surfaced, according to local media.
The video appears to show the woman lying on the ground, wearing only a bra, being sexually assaulted by the five accused officers.
One of the accused officers can be seen wearing a shirt with the phrase “la seguridad es de todos” – which translates to “security is for everybody” – while assaulting the woman.
The female victim told cops she couldn’t recall much about the assault but was moved to make a complaint when the lurid clip was posted on social media sites.
Jose Alberto Aguirre Carbajal, secretary of public security, described the case as “very serious”.
He said: “We are collecting evidence in order to determine the punishment for this serious crime.”
“We know that there are more people, because somebody recorded the video, but I cannot confirm properly how many officers participated.”
Local media reported that five officers have so far been suspended and that one of them was arrested.
No names were mentioned in reports. The exact charges so far are unclear.