Nigeria Will Be Worse Off If Osibanjo Takes Over
By: Samuel K. O.
I am not a supporter of PMB neither do I pray for him to die, but one thing is certain, peradventure Buhari dies today (which is common to every living soul), the situation of the country will be worse than it is now under Osibanjo.
– Osibanjo is not a career politician and neither is he so smart like Idiagbon to manage the economy of a big country like Nigeria. Remember, academic qualification/prowess is different from Political power. After all, there are so many Professors in the Senate who have never sponsored nor supported any motion in the Senate.
– Tinubu will wreck havoc on the economy of Nigeria under Osibanjo as the later is more of a Puppet to the former. Already, everyone knows his influence in the economy of Lagos State where he holds swear as a demi-god. Remember, Tinubu has already captured Finance Ministry (Adeosun) FIRS (Fowler) and so many other strategic agencies. Imagine when his ‘boy’ becomes the President. He may even auction the country.
– The North will frustrate Osibanjo the way they did to Jonathan and this will drastically affect his performance.
– The economy is already dead – There is high level of unemployment co-existing with galloping inflation (stagflation), there is liquidity freeze in the economy, there is oil price shock in the international oil market which has resulted in dwindling revenue of the country. Therefore, it will take years and smart President to revamp the economy of the country.
Samuel writes from Lagos